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“I'm uncomfortable with the thought of this … Jewish ritual.

“I'm sorry. Please don't ask a lady about her age,” the actress said uneasily. “对不起,请不要问女士的年龄,”演员感到很不自在。
“I'm still feeling good physically and I'm tranquil about my situation,” noted the 30-year-old. “At this present moment, I have a joy inside of me which is beyond description. “我依然感觉自己身体情况良好,而且我也不会对我在球队的情况抱怨,”这位已经年满30的球员特别提到。“在这个时刻,我的喜悦用言语是难以表述的。”
“I'm supposed to serve a warrant to the outlaw, Robin Hood. “我要传送一张逮捕状给绿林大盗罗宾汉。”
“I'm sure Daniel's the best man for the job.” Mrs. Weevers put in. 卫弗斯太太插了一句说:我确信丹尼尔是这工作最合适的人选。
“I'm sure you can understand our need to cut corners around here. “我想你能理解我们这里需要裁员。”
“I'm uncomfortable with the thought of this … Jewish ritual. “我不太喜欢这种……犹太人的仪式。”
“I'm very upset and disappointed with the tackle. Having watched it again I just feel I will not leave the case there. “我对这次事件感到沮丧和失望。我重新看了一遍,我认为我不能对此事件就此罢休。
“I've been in the game a long time and now my focus is on trying to finish on a high in the next few weeks. 我从事网球运动已有很长的年头,现在我将专注于能够在接下来的几周内取得一个较好的成绩。
“I've been playing ball since the age of two,” Romeo explains. “That's what I've been doing before the music thing, the rapping thing and the acting thing. “我两岁就开始打球,”罗密欧说:“早在我玩音乐和饶舌、演戏之前,我就开始玩球了。
“I've been really pleased with my form,” says Giggs. “I had a good pre-season, which is always vital, and I seem to have just got off to a flying start. “我现在对自己的状态也很满意”他自己说到,“在季前赛我就表现的不错,你知道那对于一个赛季来说非常重要。
“I've been so busy lately. Last week I went to a greasy spoon with a friend and this Sunday I've got to go a potluck. 这句话的意思是:“我最近可忙了。上个周末我和一个朋友去一家小饭馆吃饭,这个星期天我得做一个菜去参加一个聚会。”

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