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Her husband,was a hard working man.

Her husband's failure to notice her new hairstyle displeased her very much. 她丈夫没注意到她的新发型,这使她大为不悦。
Her husband's loud, irregular snoring annoyed her. (她丈夫大声不规则的打鼾,惹她厌烦。)
Her husband, however, went with her, weeping behind her all the way to Bahurim. Then Abner said to him, Go back home!So he went back. 16米甲的丈夫跟着她,一面走一面哭,直跟到巴户琳。押尼珥说,你回去吧。帕铁就回去了。
Her husband, in a desperate search to find her, revisits their shared past and has to face up to some unpleasant realities, before trying to rebuild his life. 重新生活但又为了找寻妻子,音乐家的丈夫不得不重游他们曾一同渡过的地方,且必须面对不悦的现实。
Her husband, who had taken over from Cosima, his truly repellent mother, was, as Mr Carr says, the odd man out. 而她的丈夫齐格弗里德是从专横,与众不同的母亲柯西玛中接过大位的。
Her husband,was a hard working man. 她的丈夫是一个苦工。
Her idea is fundamentally sound, even if she says silly thing sometimes. 即使她有时说些傻话,她的想法基本上是好的。
Her idea is patterned on mine. 她的构想是仿效我的。
Her ideas are behind the times. 她的想法是落伍了。
Her ideas are fundamentally sound, even if she says silly things sometimes. 即使她有时说些傻话,她的想法基本上是好的。
Her ideas are patterned on Trotsky's. 她的思想是仿效托洛茨基的

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