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Leave me be! Go away!
别打扰我! 走开!

Leave me alone! I don't want to take part in it. 别理我!我不想参加这件事。
Leave me alone! My right thumb hurts. 别动我,我右手大拇指很疼。
Leave me alone. 放过我吧。
Leave me alone. I can do it myself. 不要管我,我自己能行。
Leave me alone. I'm hopeless. 别打扰我。我已经彻底绝望了。
Leave me be! Go away! 别打扰我! 走开!
Leave me be, merchant. I'll trade with you later. 走开,商人。过一会儿我再和你交易。
Leave my book in my desk. 把书放在我的桌子里边。
Leave my castle alone, you wretched tin man. 离开我的城堡,你这个肮脏的锡兵。
Leave no stone unturned until you find that document. (你要)用尽一切办法(注:可直译为翻遍每个角落)找到那份文件。
Leave of the moon mountain, if time allows, you can also lead Shangyue road , ringing to the joy of the Hinny, courageously village,Yangshuo short mountain etc. of the town tour. 下月亮山后,如时间允许,您还可以过赏月路,到普益的乐响、勇村,阳朔镇的矮山等处游览。

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