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Article 8 Unless otherwise so ordered by law, mail items, postal assets, postal funds and postal property shall not be subject to inspection, conscription or seizure.

Article 8 The time period of one yearset out in Article 55, and the time period of five yearsset out in Article 75 and Paragraph 2 of Article 104 of the Contract Law are fixed, and are not subject to the rules governing the suspension, termination or exte 第八条合同法第五十五条规定的“一年”、第七十五条和第一百零四条第二款规定的“五年”为不变期间,不适用诉讼时效中止、中断或者延长的规定。
Article 8 The trademark office shall make a decision about the relevant materials of a case, shall inform the administrative department of the province (autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government) where this case occurred of the 第八条商标局应当自收到有关案件材料之日起六个月内作出认定,并将认定结果通知案件发生地的省(自治区、直辖市)工商行政管理部门,抄送当事人所在地的省(自治区、直辖市)工商行政管理部门。
Article 8 The units or individuals that have made contributions to the work of agro-technical popularization shall be awarded. 第八条对在农业技术推广工作中做出贡献的单位和个人,给予奖励。
Article 8 To preserve cultural heritage and enhance environmental landscapes of a specific area, competent authorities may establish a standard set of rules for the architectural and landscape style of that area. 第8条为维护文化资产,增进环境景观,主管机关得针对特定区域之周边建筑与景观风格定立标准规範。
Article 8 Units and individuals engaged in production and construction activities which may cause soil erosion must adopt measures, and construction activities which may cause soil erosion must adopt measures to protect the water and soil resources, and s 第八条从事可能引起水土流失的生产建设活动的单位和个人,必须采取措施保护水土资源,并负责治理因生产建设活动造成的水土流失。
Article 8 Unless otherwise so ordered by law, mail items, postal assets, postal funds and postal property shall not be subject to inspection, conscription or seizure. 第8条邮件、邮政资产、邮政款项及邮政公用物,非依法律,不得作为检查、徵收或扣押之标的。
Article 8 Urban people's governments shall bring the fire control plan into the overall urban planning, including fire control safety layout, fire control station, fire control communication, fire truck passageway and fire control equipment, etc, and take 第八条城市人民政府应当将包括消防安全布局、消防站、消防供水、消防通信、消防车通道、消防装备等内容的消防规划纳入城市总体规划,并负责组织有关主管部门实施。
Article 8 When a port animal and plant quarantine office is carrying out its tasks of quarantine inspection in seaports, airports, railway or coach stations, or post offices, relevant departments such as the Customs, departments of communications, civil a 第八条口岸动植物检疫机关在港口、机场、车站、邮局执行检疫任务时,海关、交通、民航、铁路、邮电等有关部门应当配合。
Article 8 When a quarantine infectious disease or a disease suspected to be quarantinable or a death due to an unidentified cause other than accidental harm is discovered on conveyance from a domestic pestilence area or in the course of a domestic voyage, 第八条来自国内疫区的交通工具,或者在国内航行中发现检疫传染病,疑似检疫传染病,或者有人非因意外伤害而死亡并死因不明的,交通工具负责人应当向到达的国境口岸卫生检疫机关报告,接受临时检疫。
Article 8 When an agreement on the text of a treaty is adopted, the treaty shall not be signed, unless in the case of an emergency or unless it has been approved by the Executive Yuan in advance. 第8条条约或协定草案内容获致协议时,除事先获行政院授权或时机紧迫者外,主办机关应先报请行政院核可,始得签订。
Article 8 When appropriate public-owned lands according to Paragraph 1, Article 7 of the Act, the authority of development shall inform the regulating and administrative departments of the public-owned lands about the foresaid allocation in advance, but n 第8条开发主管机关依本条例第七条第一项规定拨用公有土地,应先行告知公有土地主管及管理机关,免徵求其同意。

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