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So chipmakers now routinely deposit a thin, defect-free layer of single-crystal silicon on top of each wafer by exposing it to a gas containing silicon.

So can we make this thing ours? 让这些都成为我们的现实。
So can't we admit that the lottery system has failed? 那么,我们是否可以说选秀大会体制彻底失败了呢?
So carelessly did he drive that he almost killed himself. 他开车如此不小心竟差点撞死自己。
So carry through the construction technology of typical sect of NATM by Shallow-buried summary on west fourth ring road buried culvert of Beijing branch of the middle line of South-to-North Water Transfer Project, which would offer reference for future si 其中,暗涵工程交叉管线众多,在西四环立交桥桩基中间穿过,浅埋暗挖法施工有一定的难度,为此,对南水北调中线北京段西四环暗涵浅埋暗挖典型段施工技术进行总结,以为今后类似工程提供参考和借鉴。
So carrying on reasonable meal nourishment is also essential. 所以进行合理的膳食营养也是必不可少的。
So chipmakers now routinely deposit a thin, defect-free layer of single-crystal silicon on top of each wafer by exposing it to a gas containing silicon. 因此晶片制造商现在通常会将每块晶圆暴露在含矽的气体中,在其表面上沉积薄薄一层没有缺陷的单晶矽。
So choose a solid training program. 所以,选择一个可靠的训练规划。
So choose the front row and win. 所以,坐在前排迎接你学习的胜利吧!
So choose this day whom you will serve, ask the Holy Spirit to search you to see if there be any iniquity in you, and then call upon Jesus your Deliverer. 所以选择今天你服事谁,问圣灵看你是否还有任何罪,然后请求耶稣成为你的解救者。
So choose your friends carefully. 选择朋友要小心。
So choosing books is very important for reading. 所以选书对于阅读是很重要的。

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