It may mean no more than an acknowledgement of your presence.
它可能仅仅意味着对你出现的认可而已。 |
It may not be Valentine's Day, but the tone of the messages you've been receiving from a long-distance loved one might make it seem that way. Behave accordingly -- and carefully.
桔解:今天虽不是情人节,但你那个身在远方心爱的人的话语却让你感到了情人节的氛围。你要积极而小心地回应。 |
It may not be a reserved word.
列名不能是关键字。 |
It may not be politically correct to say this, but there's more chance of the Houses of Parliament being blown up.
我们不必用太过政治化的口吻如是说,但事实上我们的确拥有赢得比赛胜利的较大机会。 |
It may not be repairable if is wet through.
如果被水浸过,话机可能无法修复。 |
It may not be the same as an access line or a subscriber.
但不同于一个接入线或者一个用户。 |
It may not find a place in thy garland, but honour it with a touch of pain from thy hand and pluck it.
它也许配不上你的花冠,但请你采折它,以你手采折的痛苦来给他光宠。 |
It may not find a place in thy garland,but honour it with a touch of pain from thy hand and pluck it.
它也许配不上你的花环,但请采摘它,以采摘的痛楚来给它荣耀。 |
It may not include any allowance for expenses or commissions in connection with the issuance of the insurance policy.
但保险公司签发保单时所付出的费用或佣金,则未必会计算在内。 |
It may not pay well, but at any rate it's a job.
薪水可能不高,但不管怎样这也是份工作。 |
It may not seem important, but a great way to get injured is to think you can just start running long distances without the proper time and effort.
这点看起来不重要,却是非常容易导致受伤的因素,如果你认为可以在初期不付出一定的时间和努力就可以直接开始长距离跑步。 |