This loophole has allowed the burgeoning trade to develop.
这个漏洞使得象牙贸易越做越大。 |
This looseness in molecular structure gives the material what engineers call tremendous “formability” which allows technicians to tailor glass to whatever they need.
这个分子结构的拆分给了原料被工程师们称为的极大的可塑性,允许技术员去制作他们任何想要的玻璃。 |
This lore is administered by the old men of the clan, perhaps assigned to them after their own economic usefulness is at an end.
翻译:或许当他们不在具有经济效用后,这种传统指派给宗族中的长者管理。 |
This loss led to the demise of the business.
这一损失导致了公司的倒闭. |
This loss of sodium can cause dehydration and cramping.
钠流失会造成脱水和抽筋。 |
This lotus extends outwards up to 100 feet around an initiate.
该莲花扩展到提升者周围的100英尺之远。 |
This love has become an attaching reliance already, please don't leave!
这种爱已成了依赖,请不要离开! |
This love is a strange love.
这份爱陌生的爱。 |
This lovely cake combines the soft, smooth apricot mousse and white chocolate sponge cake topping with the sweetness of apricot slices.
金黄色的甜杏与新西兰天然淡奶油调和而成的杏果慕斯,有着天然乳香的浓郁与自然果香的清润,满目的金黄,饱满多汁的口感,令人难以拒绝。 |
This lovingly crafted cinematic success from Thailand is a vivid allegory and portrayal of lower-class life.
导演在精致的《爱美丽》式花花世界探讨现实社会的种种,观众会心大笑之馀也可顺道反思一番。 |
This low carbon content in cast steel does not allow the carbon to form as free graphite resulting in a laminate type of structure.
铸钢中的低含碳量使得作为游离石墨存在的碳不会形成结构薄片。 |