Graduates are not required to go into the military, but Colonel MacInnis says about fifty percent do, and twenty percent make it a career.
不是所有的毕业生都要到军队里工作,但麦克中校说,百分之五十的学院是的,而且百分之二十的学员选择从军作为终生职业。 |
Graduates are the important power for scientific research, the education quality of graduates is an index of the subject construction, and the graduate education is an important way for perfecting the social service function of the subject construction.
研究生是科学研究的重要力量,研究生教育质量是学科建设成败的指示计,研究生教育是完善学科建设社会服务功能的重要途径。 |
Graduates from Dr Degree program of GIBM enjoy not only career opportunities in college and research organizations but also the opportunity in developing capacities in related biotech companies and medicine mfg labs.
本所博士班毕业生不仅可在学校、研究机构寻得发挥专长之机会,亦可朝相关生技公司及药厂发展,学以致用。 |
Graduates from this major are expected to be integrated senior engineers with strongly comprehensive capability and innovative spirit, capable of researching, designing, constructing, operating, etc in local electric power system and power supply system o
学生毕业后主要在地方电力系统、大型企业供电系统和有关单位从事科研、设计、建设、运行等方面的技术工作。 |
Graduates of FYHS Festive Drum Troupe also coach many Taiwanese drum troupes.
宽中鼓队的队友也带领一些台湾的节令鼓队。 |
Graduates of these courses may gain employment in production houses, ad ver tis ing agencies and government organizations.
该专业毕业生可供职于音乐制作公司、演出公司、广告公司、政府相关部门以及独立音乐工作室。 |
Graduates thus benefit from a well rounded education that includes a strong multicultural and international dimension.
因此,毕业生受益于一个良好的全面的教育,包括强大的多元化和国际化空间。 |
Graduates will have obtained a broad-based social sciences education, the fundamental knowledge and skills in the field of journalism and communication, and the academic capability and practical grounding needed for professional career training and furthe
完成课程后,同学对社会科学会有基本认识,对新闻及传播(包括报章、杂志、电视、电台广播)的专业,亦掌握其基础知识和技术,将来无论继续升学或就业,都已具备必要的学术训练和实际的操作能力。 |
Graduating magna cum laude in 1929, Carson won her master's degree in zoology at Johns Hopkins, but increasing family responsibilities caused her to abandon her quest for a doctorate.
卡森在1929年以荣誉奖毕业,并在约翰霍普金斯大学获得动物学硕士,但因为对家庭的责任逐渐增加,迫使她不得不放弃继续攻读博士。 |
Graduation from high school is an event.
中学毕业是件大事。 |
Graduation from high school or technical (pharmacy or chemistry) school.
药学或化学中专或技校毕业。 |