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Being confined to a wheel chair didn't stop Greta from being a fabulous cook.

Being chased by 4)molten 5)lava, blood thirsty animals and savages was a small price to pay for freedom. 受熔岩浆、嗜血动物和野人追逐是换取自由的一个小小代价。
Being chased by a mugger is a hair-raising experience. 被强盗追赶真是让人毛骨悚然的经历。
Being clear about love and enmity at another level simply means, to repay kindness with kindness, and to repay enmity with justice.It does not mean to be lenient with people no matter what. 再进一层说,明恩怨,在原则上是要「以德报德;以直报怨」,并不是做没原则的滥好人或乡愿。
Being close to your partner in a creative way will bring you all the love you've been longing for. 用一种新鲜的方式靠近你的爱人会你们一直保持长久的爱意。
Being committed to your job is fine, of course, but you shouldn't let work eat up all your leisure time. 敬业当然是好的,但你不能让工作蚕食了你的全部休闲时间。
Being confined to a wheel chair didn't stop Greta from being a fabulous cook. 以轮椅代步并不妨碍她成为一名出色的厨师。
Being conscientious and meticulous and pursuing aestheticism, Rongxin Electron tests the performances of the products with various environmental conditions, repeatedly screening and checking at each level, making every effort to provide the society with e 一丝不苟、追求唯美,荣鑫电子以各种环境条件来检测产品的每一项性能,反复筛选、层层把关,力争把性能更可靠、稳定的精品奉献给社会。
Being contented with things as they are is a kind of inertia. 若以企望“将来”的动机,而尽“现在”的努力,则厌“今”思想却大足为进化的原动。
Being cooled in the air , this kind of steel becomes harder and harder. 在空气中冷却之后,这种钢就变的越来越硬。
Being criticized is awful! 被人批评真是痛苦!
Being defamed, we intreat: we are made as the filth of the world, and are the offscouring of all things unto this day. 13被人毁谤,我们就善劝。直到如今,人还把我们看作世界上的污秽,万物中的渣滓。

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