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Article 13 The Business Tax assessable period shall be five days, ten days, fifteen days or one month.

Article 13 Investment consultant outside the territory of China (hereinafter referred to as investment consultants) referred to in the present Measures are those financial institutions outside the territory of China that comply with the requirements as pr 第十三条本办法所称境外投资顾问(以下简称投资顾问)是指符合本办法规定的条件,根据合同为境内机构投资者境外证券投资提供证券买卖建议或投资组合管理等服务并取得收入的境外金融机构。
Article 13 People's governments of cities shall work out plans for construction of civil air defense works and incorporate them into their overall urban plans. 第十三条城市人民政府应当制定人民防空工程建设规划,并纳入城市总体规划。
Article 13 Plans for requisition of lands for constructing roads shall conform to the master plan for land use and the land used for such purposes shall be incorporated into the general land use plan of the year. 第十三条公路建设用地规划应当符合土地利用总体规划,当年建设用地应当纳入年度建设用地计划。
Article 13 Qualifications of Sino-foreign equity construction joint ventures and Sino-foreign cooperative construction enterprises established prior to the issuance of these Regulations are required to be re-examined and ratified in accordance with these 第十三条本规定实施前,已经设立的中外合资经营建筑业企业、中外合作经营建筑业企业,应当按照本规定和建筑业企业资质管理规定重新核定资质等级。
Article 13 State organs, enterprises and institutions shall carry out various kinds of sports activities and organize athletic competitions of mass character. 第十三条国家机关、企业事业组织应当开展多种形式的体育活动,举办群众性体育竞赛。
Article 13 The Business Tax assessable period shall be five days, ten days, fifteen days or one month. 第十三条营业税的纳税期限,分别为五日、十日、十五日或者一个月。
Article 13 The Governor, Deputy Governors and other staff members of The People's Bank of China shall scrupulously abide by their duties; they may not abuse their power or conduct malpractice for private ends and they may not assume concurrent position in 第十三条中国人民银行的行长、副行长及其他工作人员应当恪尽职守,不得滥用职权、徇私舞弊,不得在任何金融机构、企业、基金会兼职。
Article 13 The Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Bureau of Harbour Superintendence and other agencies that issue passports and certificates shall have the power to cancel passports and certificates issued by them or by thei 第十三条公安部、外交部、港务监督局和原发证机关,各自对其发出的或者其授权的机关发出的护照和证件,有权吊销或者宣布作废。
Article 13 The People's Republic of China has the right to exercise control in the contiguous zone to prevent and impose penalties for activities infringing the laws or regulations concerning security, the customs, finance, sanitation or entry and exit co 第十三条中华人民共和国有权在毗连区内,为防止和惩处在其陆地领土、内水或者领海内违反有关安全、海关、财政、卫生或者入境出境管理的法律、法规的行为行使管制权。
Article 13 The State Council uniformly leads and administers the cause of higher education nationwide. 第十三条国务院统一领导和管理全国高等教育事业。
Article 13 The State makes unified plans for the building of earthquake monitoring stations and networks, and divides them into different levels and types for their administration. 第十三条国家对地震监测台网的建设,实行统一规划,分级、分类管理。

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