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The distributed test system enables to survey and protract the body pressure distribution curve of different seat cushion effectively.

The distracted reader can't be absorbed in the abstract extract. 心神纷乱的读者无法专心于抽象的节录.
The distress can also trigger forced sales of potentially valuable assets. 那些胆子够大、动作够快的投机者就会财源滚滚。
The distress feeling in Jiang Jie's Ci Poem is analyzed, in the background of late Song Dynasty and early Yuan Dynasty, to understand the complex minds of a part of scholars represented by Jiang Jie who were from Sung Dynasty to Yuan Dynasty. 摘要从宋末元初的时代背景下,对蒋捷词作中充溢着的愁苦情绪加以分析,以求更好地把握以蒋捷为代表的由宋入元的一部分文人的复杂心态。
The distributary channel microlithofacies evolution characteristics is studied with Markov Chain's analysis method, which lies in the shelf delta plain of Dongzakou group of Later Carboniferous Epoch in Lixian county, Gansu province. 摘要采用马尔柯夫链分析方法研究了甘肃礼县地区晚石炭世东扎口组的陆架三角洲平原分支流河道微相演化特征。
The distributed component method includes homogeneous, heterogeneous and conjoint methods, for the problem of distributed geographic information publishing and real-time analysis. 分布式部件方法,包括同构分布式部件、异构分布式部件和同构异构结合分布式部件,以处理分布式地理信息的发布与实时分析等问题。
The distributed test system enables to survey and protract the body pressure distribution curve of different seat cushion effectively. 实验台中的分布式体压测试系统能够有效地测绘出不同座垫实验中的人机接触界面的体压分布曲线,并发挥出很好的测试作用。
The distributing profiles of different phenol derivatives in two-dimensional chromatogram were discussed. 同时对不同类型的酚类化合物在二维气相色谱上的分布模式进行了讨论。
The distribution among the little attendants permeable material extraction alone jade carved pine, water spray, and the quiet river boat in the boat to admire the view of the poet, carving vivid characters, the characters formed a lively YOU Cliff map. 中间分布的点点翠色透水料独玉摘雕松树,流水浪花以及河面上静静的小船,船上的诗人赏景,人物雕刻生动,组成了一幅气韵生动的游赤壁图。
The distribution among the little white permeable material alone pick carved jade tree, water spray, and the quiet river boats, three friends on board vessels On Road, heart-to-heart to admire the view, carving vivid life, artistically composed of a livel 中间分布的点点白色透水料独玉摘雕松树,流水浪花以及河面上静静的小船,三位友人船上船论道,赏景谈心,人生雕刻生动,组成了一幅气韵生动的夜游赤壁图。
The distribution and spread, around a targeted region, of spent shrapnel, bomb fragments, or shot from a shotgun. 炮弹的散布范围榴霰弹片、炮弹碎片或短枪射击在靶区的分布和散布面
The distribution and spread, around a targeted region, of spent shrapnel, bomb fragments, or shot from a shotgun. 炮弹的散布范围榴霰弹片、炮弹碎片或短枪射击在靶区的分布和散布面。

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