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Add in new deployments, productivity and downtime issues, a diluvium of new products, services and vendors, and the difficulty of finding and retaining the professional resources you need.

Add in cream, mustard, maple syrup, salt and pepper, then turn to low heat and add in the fried halibut fillets. 倒入忌廉、芥末、枫树糖浆、盐及胡椒,降至低火后置比目鱼柳于其中。
Add in extra … 添加多一点…
Add in glutinous rice ball and cook over medium heat until all ice ball float. Stir well and serve hot. 一个一个放入糯米小丸子,边煮边慢慢搅拌,待丸子浮在水面,便可进食。
Add in glutinous rice powder, sugar and spinach juice to form a smooth dough. Then add the shortening and knead until the dough smooth. 然后加入糯米粉、细砂糖、菠菜汁搅拌成团。加入白油搓揉至表面光滑即为皮。
Add in higher domestic food and energy prices and surging labour costs, and the China price may soon be a good deal higher. 如果再加上国内高涨的食品和能源价格,以及上升的劳动力成本,中国的价格可能将会迅速上涨。
Add in new deployments, productivity and downtime issues, a diluvium of new products, services and vendors, and the difficulty of finding and retaining the professional resources you need. 再加上,安装配置新软硬件、生产力降低和当机时间、各式各样的产品服务或供应商、以及找到及留住专业资源的困难性。
Add in sugar syrup and continue beating until fluffy. 加入糖浆继续搅打至蓬松。
Add in the All-Star’s 10.1 boards per game to those gaudy numbers and it's no wonder the Clippers are enjoying their best season since going 45-37 in 1991-’92. 在这些漂亮的数据上再加上季候赛后平均10.1个篮板,难怪快船在享受着91-92赛季之后最好的赛季。
Add in the World Cup and the lure of the beach in August, and you have to be starry-eyed to give the Doha round much of a chance. 考虑到世界杯和八月份去海边度假等因素的影响,我们不妨盼望多哈回合的谈判会出现转机。
Add in the coarsely diced apples and spread evenly into the prepared crust. 苹果切成粗丁加入面糊后倒入备好的派饼。
Add in the diced tomatoes and tomatoes sauce in the pot. Keep stiring with minced pork and diced vege. 加入罐头蕃茄酱及罐头蕃茄丁和著猪肉碎及蔬果丁搅拌均匀.

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