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She iced a bottle of beer.

She hurriedly left the room as though /if angry (= as though/if she was /were angry…). 她急匆匆地走出屋去,好象很生气的样子。
She hurt my feelings. 她伤害了我的感情。
She hushed the baby to sleep. 她使婴儿安静入睡。
She ia a selfish woman who looks upon her husband only as a meal ticket. 她是个自私的女人,她把她丈夫当作是饭票。
She ia not at home all year except a some days. 一年中有很少的时间在家。
She iced a bottle of beer. 她冰了瓶啤酒。
She identified him as her attacker. 她认出他就是袭击她的人。
She identified that the man was her attacker. 她认出那个男人就是袭击过她的人。
She identified the man as her attacker. 她认出那个男人就是袭击她的人。
She immediately became involved in an underground movement Aliyah Bet, which secretly organized the expatriation to the promised land of Jews who had escaped Nazi concentration camps. 刚来到罗马,她便参加了一个犹太地下移民组织,秘密帮助纳粹集中营里幸存下来的犹太人回到“应许之地”——巴勒斯坦一带。
She immediately regretted her decision. 她做出决定后立即感到后悔。

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