Anyone wandering along the seafront in Bcenteron may wellhavebeen a bit bemused to be confronted with what looked like aspacehopper convention.
日前,英国南部濒海旅游胜地布赖顿上演了一场特殊的坐气球跳比赛,参赛者坐在一个大气球上蹦蹦跳跳。 |
Anyone wandering along the seafront in Brighton may well have been a bit bemused to be confronted with what looked like a space hopper convention.
日前,英国南部濒海旅游胜地布赖顿上演了一场特殊的坐气球跳比赛,参赛者坐在一个大气球上蹦蹦跳跳。 |
Anyone wanting to throw away their mobile phone can do it in style and may even win a medal -- at the Mobile Phone Throwing World Championship, Finland's latest contribution to offbeat athleticism.
近日,芬兰举行了一场别开生面的“扔手机世界锦标赛”,想扔掉手机的人可以来此一试,如果扔得有创意,还可能赢得奖牌。 |
Anyone wanting to understand the industry of the future will have to know about robotics.
想要了解未来工业的机器人,必须了解机器人学。 |
Anyone who alters Renminbi or sells altered Renminbi or knowingly transports altered Renminbi, if the cases constitutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility; if the case is not serious, he shall be put by a public security organ in d
变造人民币、出售变造的人民币或者明知是变造的人民币而运输,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;情节轻微的,由公安机关处十五日以下拘留、五千元以下罚款。 |
Anyone who beats the record will win a season pass for four people for 2007 with VIP queue-jumping status.
破纪录者将能获得2007年四人份优先玩贵宾季卡。 |
Anyone who can give a surely reply.
谁能给一个肯定的答复. |
Anyone who cannot go through the procedure of taking a leave owing to illness should complete the procedure when he comes back to work, no later than the next day of his leave.
遇急病时不能亲自办理请假手续者,返回后补办手续,但以请假次日上班时间内为有效。 |
Anyone who cares to examine my work will see that even when it is downright propaganda it contains much that a full-time politician would consider irrelevant.
任何一位有心细读我的作品的读者都会发现,即使作品是直截了当的宣传鼓励,也包含着许多职业政客视为节外生枝的点缀。 |
Anyone who checks in code which causes the trunk builds to fail will be the recipient of heaping helpings of trash talk and teasing until he gets it fixed.
任何人签入引起构建失败的代码的话,在他修复完之前就会被受到很多无聊的教导和揶揄。 |
Anyone who chows down the entire 2- to 3-inch horned cockroach gets a pass for four people to cut to the front of ride lines through Oct. 29.
任何人只要吞下一只两三英寸长、带触须的蟑螂就可以获得游乐园的4人免排队优惠权,优惠期将持续到10月29日。 |