The evidence suggests urbanization in China is the Granger causality of price of real estate, and remarkable positive co-integration between the two variables in the long term, but the speed of adjusting short run departure to long-run equilibrium is slow
实证研究发现,中国城市化水平的提高是中国房地产价格上升的原因;中国的房地产价格与中国城市化水平之间存在一种长期稳定的正向变动关系;短期来看,均衡关系由短期偏离向长期均衡调整的速度较慢。 |
The evidence supports what many have known philosophically and spiritually for thousands of years.
这个证据验证了几千年来很多人从哲学和神学中掌握的东西。 |
The evidence that glucagon excess contributes to the development and maintenance of fasting hyperglycemia and that failure to suppress glucagon secretion contributes to postprandial hyperglycemia is then reviewed.
接下来对证明了胰高糖素的过剩导致餐后高血糖的发生和持续而抑制胰高糖素分泌的功能障碍导致餐后高血糖的发生的相关研究进行了回顾。 |
The evidence then details emails from de la Rosa discussing a flexible wing, aero balance, tyre gas, Ferrari's braking system and the team's stopping strategy.
德拉罗萨在信件中讨论了活动翼片,空气动力平衡,论坛气体,法拉利的刹车系统和车队的进站策略。 |
The evidence underpinning his case was sound.
有利於他的证据是确凿的. |
The evidence underpinning his case was sound.
有利于他的证据是确凿的. |
The evidence was held to be inadmissible.
这个证据人们认为不能成立。 |
The evidence, at first indirect, began to accumulate in 1975: stars and gas tracked in the middle of the galaxy did not follow the orbits they would if the spiral pattern reached all the way in.
证据从1975年开始累积,一开始是间接的:位在星系中央的恒星与气体并不遵循单纯的螺旋形状具备的轨道。 |
The evidence, however, doesn't support either prediction.
然而,相关的证据却并不支持这两种假设。 |
The evidencing documents issued by an authority, organization, association and school pursuant to sub-paragraph 1, paragraph 1.
一、依第一项第一款规定申请者,为机关、机构、团体或学校之证明文件。 |
The evil deeds of a wicked man ensnare him; the cords of his sin hold him fast.
22恶人必被自己的罪孽捉住。他必被自己的罪恶如绳索缠绕。 |