XT0728;MY City OF MY Home FOR Ever!
仙桃0728;我的城市,我的家! |
XTQ computer-controlled washing and dewatering machine is an ideal equipment and best choice for washing industry because of its advantages such as washing integratedb with dewatering, little vibration due to a suspension shock absorbing device, high wash
XTQ型全电脑洗脱二用机是工业洗涤行业的福音,具有洗脱一体化,采用悬浮式减震装置,变频技术,震动小,洗涤效率高,操作简便,零活,是洗涤行业最理想、最佳的选择设备。 |
XU FS.The sedation and anesthesia in endoscopy[J].ChineseJournal of Digestive Endoscopy,2002(6):326.
徐福寿.内镜术的镇静与麻醉[J].中华消化内镜杂志,2002(6):326. |
XU Ning is not well-known in the poetic history of the Tang Dynasty, not even having been discussed by any single academic thesis.
摘要在唐诗史上,徐凝并非十分显眼,甚至至今还没有一篇专论他的文章。 |
XU Zhenlin, JIANG Wei, WANG Xiuzhi, et al. Analysis and attenuation of torque ripple due to commutation in brushless DC servo machines [J]. Electric Drive, 1994(5):36-41.
许镇琳,江伟,王秀芝,等.无刷直流伺服电机换相转矩脉动的分析和消除[J].电气传动,1994(5):3641. |
XUE Tao, a famous female poet in Tang Dynasty, injected in her poetry the cream of Chinese culture with her peculiar feminine subtlety.
摘要唐代著名女诗人薛涛,以女性特有的笔触,在其诗中浸入中国文化的玉乳琼浆。 |
XUN Zi is an outstanding materialism thinker and famous educationalist in the latter stage of the Warring states.
摘要荀子是战国末期杰出的唯物主义思想家和著名的教育家。 |
XV(Blue):A fast cutting media that leaves excellent finishes ready for anodizing or painting.
XV(兰色):较快切削的磨块,留下理想的表面做极化处理或油漆。 |
XVII. Any discourteous behaviour from a member of an official delegation can earn the disqualification of a competitor, the entire team, or delegation from the tournament.
代表团的任何成员有无礼的行为,可导致选手、团队或代表团失格退出锦标赛。 |
XVault - lady Series is an elegant picture gallery. Different girls welcome the viewer at the beach, on motorcycles, cars and at other responding places.
不同的女孩在海滩欢迎观众,在摩托车、汽车上和在其他的许多地方。 |
XW industrial washing machine is a new generation of washing machine, suitable to wash clothings and fabrics of cotton, wool, bast fibres and blendings with chemical ibres in schools, guesthouses, inns, hospitals.
XW工业洗衣机在消化国内外同类产品技的基础上,研制开发的新一代洗涤机械,适用于洗涤各种棉织、毛纺、麻类、化织混纺等衣物织品。 |