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The metabolism of these extreme microbes during the production of Maotai Liquor would further produce multiple enzymes of thermal stability such as amylase, protease, saccharifying enzyme, cellulose, glucase, xylanase, and each kind of dehydrase involved

The messenger who had gone to summon Micaiah said to him, Look, as one man the other prophets are predicting success for the king. 12那去召米该雅的使者对米该雅说,众先知一口同音地都向王说吉言,你不如与他们说一样的话,也说吉言。
The messy garden is in a state of neglect. 这个又脏又乱的花园处于无人管理的状态。
The met him there by accident. 他们偶然在那里碰到了他。
The meta-analysis on colorectal cancer includes data from the Women's Health Initiative, which had shown in 2006 that a low dose of vitamin D did not protect against colorectal cancer within seven years of follow-up. 结肠直肠癌的荟萃分析包括妇女健康活动的数据,这些数据在2006年显示低量的维生素D在随后的7年中不能预防结肠直肠癌的发生。
The metabolic abnormalities were corrected and renal function remained normal. 代谢异常被更正,肾功能保持正常。
The metabolism of these extreme microbes during the production of Maotai Liquor would further produce multiple enzymes of thermal stability such as amylase, protease, saccharifying enzyme, cellulose, glucase, xylanase, and each kind of dehydrase involved 茅台酒酿造过程中极端酿酒微生物代谢产生多种热稳定性的酶,如淀粉酶、蛋白酶、糖化酶、纤维素酶、葡萄糖甘酶、木聚糖酶、参与氧化还原反应的各种脱氮酶、磷酸烯醇丙酮酸激酶及DNA聚合酶等。
The metabolome refers to all the low-molecular weight metabolites present in an organism or cell in a particular physiological period. 摘要代谢组是指某一生物或细胞在一特定生理时期内所有的低分了量代谢产物。
The metadata converting and integration is the critical problem in cataloging network information, and is one of the hot spot in the trade. 摘要元数据的转换及集成是对网络信息资源进行编目的关键问题,也是目前业界关注的热点之一。
The metadata is the basis of building the warehouse of governmental information resources. 政府信息资源元数据是建立政府信息资源数据仓库的基础。
The metal basin clattered down the stone stairs. 金属盆子沿着石阶滚了下去,发出咣啷声。
The metal buckled in the heat. 金属因受热而变形.

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