However, life's never a bed of roses as she soon finds out.
就在她攀上事业高峰时,男友却移情别恋,得力助手因疏忽导致公司蒙受巨大亏损。 |
However, like all good things in life, packaged dog food has its own set of disadvantages.
然而,像在生活中的所有的好的东西这样,袋装的狗粮也有它的缺点。 |
However, like any other fan in the land I have watched and listened to how my club is being portrayed and talked about and I must say it hasn't been pleasant.
但是,就像这片土地上任何的球迷一样,我注意着别人对于我的俱乐部的描述和评价,显然那并不是一些让人愉快的评论。 |
However, like many celebrities before her, she found out that she couldn't turn the media on and off at will, as though they were a tap.
然而,就像在她之前的许多名人一样,她发现自己无法任意地控制媒体,尽管他们只是一个开关。 |
However, limited information exists on the association of diabetes with life expectancy with and without CVD.
然而,关于在有心血管疾病和无心血管疾病人群中糖尿病与生命期望值的关联的资料十分有限。 |
However, little research has been made on the measuring and calculating of the thermal data of brickwork and corn pound wall.
但对于砌块砌体以及复合墙体的热工数据,实际进行测量和计算的较少。 |
However, long distance space travel^, will be difficult for chemically based life forms, like DNA.
但是,长途太空旅行对以DNA这样的[有机]化学结构为基础的生命形式而言是困难的。 |
However, long term issues of zero tillage need to be explored to determine whether future problems or benefits may arise for this technology.
但还需要研究免耕的长期影响,以确定这项技术将来是有利还是有害。 |
However, longer Internet and television use before bedtime did not correlate with less actual sleep.
然而,睡前长时间上网或看电视时间与实际睡眠较少并不相关。 |
However, lymphadenopathies developed on both nuchal, axillary, and inguinal areas after a ten-month symptom-free period.
四个月后,临床症状完全消失,各项检验数据亦恢复正常,病人因而自行停药。 |
However, magic is far more than mechanics.
但是,魔法可不纯是力学。 |