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Winery tours, by bicycle and bus, are easy to arrange.

Wine tasting would be hosted at the HaoFeng Cellar. 品酒会将在昊峰酒屋举办。
Wine was also important to the ancient Romans. 葡萄酒对古罗马人也很重要。
Wine-cups and chopsticks were laid out, and a delicious sizzling sound came from the chafing dish. 酒杯和筷子摆在各人面前,暖锅里发出滋滋的有味的声响.
Wine-producing raw materials varied according to region difference, and wine types include Xiaoqu wine, wheat wine, red starter wine, millet wine, corn wine and highland barley wine etc.; 2. multiplicity of fermentation. 2.发酵状态的多样性:发酵状态有固体发酵、固液结合发酵、半固体发酵和液体发酵。
Winemaker Kim Hart is in charge of this imposing facility, and is in regular contact with each of the growers, ensuring a continuous supply of high-quality material to the winery. 我们的采购人员与它们有密切沟通,保证我们高品质的葡萄酒源源不断的出品。
Winery tours, by bicycle and bus, are easy to arrange. 你还可来个葡萄酒酿造厂之旅,骑车或坐公车都行,很容易安排。
Wines fermented in ganimedes tanks appear, organoleptically, more stable after fermentation. 然而,这仅是早期的一般现象。
Wines from Médoc are red. They are delicate, medium colored, they are fine and elegant; often tannic when young, harmonious and splendid when matured. 梅铎克出产红酒。它口感细致,颜色适中,高贵雅致。年分短的有收敛的酸感,成熟后口感适度且精美。
Wines from all the Côte de Beaune area can substitute their local appellation with this regional type of appellation. 所有来自波恩山坡地区的葡萄酒都可以用他们的地域等级替代他们的当地等级。
Wines taste better in these finely crafted wine glasses because of the 24% lead with Micro-Crystal Dispersion. 任何美酒用这些精巧的酒杯饮用时都会觉得更加甜美,这是因为24%的微水晶分散作用。
Wines that make you love this area even more, just as the great writer Honore de Balzac also loved it. 葡萄酒会令你在此地倍感心旷神怡,就如同作家巴尔扎克对这里的迷恋。

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