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Rocketry (that Ed is studying) will also play an important role.

Rock, R&B, country, disco, punk, and hip hop are all specific genres of music that have influenced and been incorporated into pop music over the past 50 years. 在过去50年中,摇滚、节奏蓝调、乡村音乐、迪斯科、朋克和嘻哈音乐等各种音乐流派都曾对流行音乐产生过影响,最终在流行音乐中被贯穿融合起来。
Rock\'\'s roll is very rhythmic , so it is popular among young people. 摇滚乐节奏感很强,青年人喜欢.
Rockart, J. F. Chief Execs Define Their Own Data Needs.HBR (Mar-Apr. 1979). Reprint # 79209. 首席执行官定义他们自己的数据需求.〉《哈佛商业评论》(1979年3-4月刊).再版#79209.
Rockefeller, who in his infancy had experienced great poverty , spent his adult life in a similar manner. 洛克菲勒在童年时代经受过极度的贫困,也以与此类似的方式度过他的成年。
Rocketing global oil prices are eating away at the high-flying Chinese economy, provoking a slowdown that officials and analysts warn could lead to inflation, AFP reported. 法新社报道,全球飞速上升的油价正在吞噬高速发展的中国经济,官方和分析家警告说,引发的经济减速可能导致通货膨胀。
Rocketry (that Ed is studying) will also play an important role. 火箭技术(爱德正在学习的)将扮縯一个重要的角色。
Rockets Dynasty:I can't honestly see any legit reason why he shouldn't be getting at least 10 minutes a game. 我不能想出有什么正当的理由不让他上场至少场均10分钟。
Rockets General Manager Daryl Morey had said all along he was confidant he could keep Hayes with Houston. 休斯敦现任总经理达利尔.莫雷已经说了他一直都很有信心可以将海耶斯留在休斯敦。
Rockets assistant coach Tom Thibodeau, who works closely with Yao, said his prize protege is always willing to do what's right to improve his game. 常与姚明近距离共事的火箭队助理教练汤姆希伯德指出,他这个得意门生为了把球打好,永远乐意卖力加强球技。
Rockets can be a contender with Yao, T-Mac and Ron Artest. Everybody else are just role players so anyone will do. 火箭队之所以能成为有竞争力的球队,就是因为有姚明、麦迪和阿尔斯通。其他人不过都是角色球员,谁都可以顶替他们的位置。
Rockets failed at the seven-snatchof NBA playoffs,and defeated by jazz with regret. 火箭在NBA季后赛中“抢七”失败,遗憾得输给了爵士。

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