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Scientists have discovered the tree mallow is choking puffin breeding sites on Scottish islands and have warned that the plant could soon start killing off other seabirds, such as herring gulls and cormorants.

Scientists have decoded the dog genome. 科学家已经译解了狗的基因组。
Scientists have developed a chemical contraceptive that temporarily blocks the development of sperm but does not interfere with testosterone levels in men. 科学家开发了一种化学避孕药物可以暂时阻止精子的发育,而不影响男性体内睾酮的水平。
Scientists have developed a new data transfer protocol for the Internet fast enough to download a full-length DVD movie in less than five seconds, the California Institute of Technology said today. 加利福尼亚理工学院今天表示,科学家已经开发了可以用5秒以下的时间下载整部DVD电影的新数据传送协议,可以为因特网提供足够快的下载速度。
Scientists have developed a non-stick chewing gum that can be easily removed From pavements, shoes and clothes. 近日,科学家们研发出一种“不粘口香糖”,这种新型口香糖很容易从街道、鞋子和衣服上清除。
Scientists have discovered a form of fish that lives on top of the hot lava of under ocean volcanic crevices. 科学家们已发现,有一种鱼生活在海底火山裂缝的热熔岩上方。
Scientists have discovered the tree mallow is choking puffin breeding sites on Scottish islands and have warned that the plant could soon start killing off other seabirds, such as herring gulls and cormorants. 科学家发现花葵正在扼杀海雀在苏格兰离岛上的繁殖地,并警告这种植物很快就会开始杀害其他的海鸟,如银鸥和鸬鶅。
Scientists have filled in considerable detail over the past 50 years about mechanisms regulating the behavior of normal stem cells and the cellular progeny to which they give rise. 过去50年来,科学家对于调控正常干细胞表现及其衍生子代的机制,已有详尽的认识。
Scientists have found ***ual deformities in male fish caught off the Californian coast, suggesting that gender-bending chemicals have reached alarming levels in the waters. 近日,美国科学家发现,从加利福尼亚附近海域捕捞上来的鱼存在严重的性别畸形,许多鱼变成了雌雄同体的“阴阳鱼”。这意味着海水已被相当数量的人类性药品污染。
Scientists have found a compound in the fruit can stop bacteria from clinging to the teeth, blocking the formation of damaging plaque deposits. 科学家在这种水果中发现一种化合物,可以阻止细菌黏附在牙齿上,防止破坏性齿菌斑沉淀物的形成。
Scientists have found a part of the brain that could determine how well children can add and subtract. 科学家发现,人脑的某一部分可能可以决定儿童数学运算能力的高低。
Scientists have found sexual deformities in male fish caught off the Californian coast, suggesting that gender-bending chemicals have reached alarming levels in the waters. 近日,美国科学家发现,从加利福尼亚附近海域捕捞上来的鱼存在严重的性别畸形,许多鱼变成了雌雄同体的“阴阳鱼”。这意味着海水已被相当数量的人类性药品污染。

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