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As couples combine and channel the primordial, evolutionary force of the Kundalini energy, they begin to experince deepening levels of the tantric erotic sentiment and the mystic erotic thrill created by the maturing and upward movement of Kundalini energ

As coroner, I must confer, I thoroughly examined her. And she's not only merely dead. She's really most sincerely dead. 验尸官:身为验尸官,我必须证实,我彻底地检查了她,而她不只是死亡了,她是真正地、最真实地死亡了。
As countless facts have proved, the progress of society results from the interaction of both. 正如无数事实所证实的那样,社会的进步来自于物质与精神的相互作用。
As countries become increasingly closer in theirrelations, their economic interdependence and mutual support ofrelative advantages have grown all the more obvious. 随着国家之间联系的日益紧密,经济上的相互依存和优势互补也越发明显。
As countries' relative productivity rises, their exchange rates should move closer to purchasing-power parity. 当他们的相对生产率提高时,其汇率应该与购买力平价愈加接近。
As countrywide home outfit industry has one of bibcock companies of actual strength most, be awarded after Ceng Xian green home holds sincere letter unit title, attestation of Chinese consumer society sincere letter unit wait for numerous and honorary lau 作为全国家装业界最具实力的龙头企业之一,曾先后被授予“绿色家装诚信单位”称号,中国消费者协会认证“诚信单位”等众多荣誉桂冠。
As couples combine and channel the primordial, evolutionary force of the Kundalini energy, they begin to experince deepening levels of the tantric erotic sentiment and the mystic erotic thrill created by the maturing and upward movement of Kundalini energ 作为夫妻连接和原始通道,昆达里尼能量的进化力量,他们开始经历加深级别的坦陀罗性爱情操和成熟与昆达里尼能量的向上运动创造的神秘性爱抖动。
As creates will think the expert, in this process, the advertisement, the public relations, the interaction, the motion marketing, the event marketing, and so on the different specialized domain person will cooperate fully, will embark from the objective 作为创想专家,在这个过程中,广告、公关、互动、行动营销、事件营销、等不同专业领域的人将通力合作,从客观的传播角度出发,选择最好的沟通方式,将品牌信息和品牌经验传达给目标受众。
As creation material of space-time image, modern ceramics is qualitatively changeable and surfacely treatable. 摘要现代陶艺作为时空意象的创作材料,具有质变性、表面处理性等特征。
As credit-market worries spread, Rhineland could no longer secure new short-term funding and called on a eu12 billion line of credit promised by IKB and a handful of other banks. 正当信贷市场的忧虑扩撒开去之时,莱茵兰再也不能确保收回其短期债券并且IKB及其他数家银行也无法兑现之前保证过的高达120亿欧元的最高信贷限额。
As criticisms they have gained their importance as literature itself and therefore are different from literary criticism in their objects and categories. 它们作为批评同样获得了文学本体的意义,从对象和范围上看,显然与通常所说的文学批评大不一样。
As crowds of opposition supporters, mostly from Ms Bhutto's Pakistan People's Party (PPP), marched towards the courthouse, they were fired on with automatic weapons from rooftops and road-blocks. 布托女士的巴基斯坦人民党(PPP)的支持者在向法院的游行的途中,遭到了藏在屋顶和躲在路障后的自动武器的攻击。

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