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Wealth is commonplace, fame not rare.

Wealth can often purchase not only the semblance of love but its reality. 财富通常不仅能够买来爱情的外表,还能买来爱情的真谛.
Wealth got by labour is sweet in the enjoyment. 劳动得来的财富享受起来味道甜美.
Wealth has always been what some people long for. 财富一直是有些人所渴望的对象。
Wealth has great weight with him. 财富对他来说极有份量。
Wealth is a phantom. Might is the only right! 财富只是幻影。力量才是唯一的权利!
Wealth is commonplace, fame not rare. 财富是平凡的,名望也不少见。
Wealth is easier gained than guided. 财富易得不易理。
Wealth is just like the seawater: more drinking makes more thirst. so is honor. 财富就像海水:饮得越多,渴得越厉害;名誉也是如此。
Wealth is like seawater: the more drinking, the greater thirsting. so does reputation. 财富就像海水:饮得越多,渴得越厉害;名誉也是如此。
Wealth is not evenly distributed in our society. 在我们的社会财富分配不均。
Wealth is the burden of bigness, Welfare the fulness of being. 财产是沉重的负荷,幸福是生命的丰满。

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