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It wipes the sad tear stains on your cheeks dry.

It will visually connect with the old city and also mark the very center of this new Di Dang New Town district. 它与旧城形成了视觉连接,标志了迪荡新城真正的中心地带。
It will watch all emails to verify that the attachments are safe for opening. 它会监视所有电子邮件,以确认该装置是安全启用.
It will, they say, protect the fortunes of corrupt officials and the ill-gotten gains of crooked businessmen. 他们称,该法律会保护贪腐官员的财产与不义商人的不当所得。
It wins attention by its large spot actual turnover every year. 历届展览因现场实际成交量巨大而广受业界关注。
It wins many readers for its uniqueness in abundant and up-to-date information, real-life contents and clear-cut opinion.This film shows the development of China's media by revealing the life and work of three reporters of the Beijing Youth Daily. 影片通过三名各有特色的报社记者的采访工作和私人生活为线索,向观众展示了中国媒体发展变化的面貌。
It wipes the sad tear stains on your cheeks dry. 擦干你腮边伤心的泪痕。
It wisely conceived, you may not work in vain. 它聪明地构思,你徒然不可能工作。
It with other graphic arts performance means both similarities, it also has its own laws of art. 它与其它图形艺术表现手段既有相同之处,又有自己的艺术规律。
It withdrew from South Korea and Germany in the face of strong local rivals, and has failed to make much headway in Central America and China, although it is planning a big push in India. 面对实力强大的本土竞争对手,沃尔玛退出了韩国和德国,而在中美洲和中国也未能实现长足发展,但它正计划大举进军印度市场。
It withdrew sharks' fin soup from its restaurant menus after complaints from conservationists. 由于受到自然资源保护主义者的抗议,乐园不得不把餐厅菜单里的鲨鱼翅汤去掉。
It won a independent Import &Export right, our company have professional staff, it can help on and board factory and enterprise provide a professional international trade service it build a faster, convenience and firmly bridge. 我们拥有专业的工作人员,可以为国内外厂家、企业提供专业的国际贸易服务,建立起迅捷便利和稳固可靠的桥梁。

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