Concentrate level in pullet had insignificant effect on effective CPdegradability (P>0.0).
日粮精料水平对饲料粗蛋白降解率影响不显著(P>0.0)。 |
The way to expend the selecting foundational materials.
扩大选种的基础材料的途径; |
0 ones were treated by Pneumd-active ligator and six-band ligator from Wilson-cook was applied to patients.
方法例患者中,其中 0例行Olympus尼龙圈结扎法,0例行日本注气式秋田静脉曲张结扎器(MD-87-9)治疗,例行Wilson-Cook六连环套扎设备治疗。 |
0 soil samples(0×0×0 cm /sample) were collected from different depth in areas beside m,m and m of both urban and rural road. Oribatid mites in each sample were isolation and identified.
于市区主干道、乡村道路两侧外m、m、m各设一采样点,分别垂直分层采集0份每份为0×0×0 cm 的土壤. |
among the staff thought that mosquito stinging might transmit HIV. .%、.%%、.8%、. % of them thought HIV diffused by embracing,swimming,sharing closestool and eating together respectively. 8.7% of them thought HIV could not diffused by sharing shaver.
在传播途径认识错误中 ,分别有 . %、 . %、 . %、 .8%、 . %认为蚊虫叮咬、拥抱、共用游泳池、共用马桶以及共餐可以传播 , 8.7%认为共有剃须刀和牙刷不能传播 ; |
left atrial thrombi;
左房血栓者 例; |
0% (70/ ) of cases examined showed swellings of hock joint or/and synovial bursae of crist sternum.
后备鸡白痢病以滑膜炎为主征。 .0%(70/ )的病例见有胫跖关节和/或胸骨滑液囊的肿胀。 |
of trees fruited among years plantation and 9 .% of them fruited in years plantation.
定植后第 a结果株率为 % ,到第a为 9 %。 |
Cases' Treatment Effect of Indigitation with Atropine before Air Clysis
肌注阿托品对空灌整复小儿肠套叠例疗效分析 |
cases(.%) had not any portent symptome.
例 ( % )无任何先兆症状。 |
9% of the sulcus fixated and . %of the capsular fixated eyes had lens haptic PAS(P> 0. 0 ).
睫状沟固定者中.9%有襻性PAS,囊袋内固定者襻性PAS占. %(P>0.0)。 |