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Last week, a team of scientists reported confirmation that H.I.V. came from chimpanzees in the nearby country of Cameroon.

Last week, Mrs Duyser told reporters she noticed the image burned into her sandwich as she was about to tuck into it in autumn 1994. 上周,德伊瑟女士告诉记者说,1994年秋天,当她正要大口吃掉这块三明治时,她发现(圣母玛利亚的)肖像已经“烙”在了三明治上。
Last week, Peter Kenyon said that the chances of signing Andriy Shevchenko were ‘50/50’. 上周,肯扬说引进舍瓦的机会是50%。
Last week, a Chinese court handed down a death sentence against Zheng Xiaoyu, the head of the Food and Drug Administration in China from 1998 to 2005, after he pleaded guilty to bribery and corruption charges. 一个中国法庭宣判郑筱萸死刑,此人曾在1998年到2005年期间担任中国食品药品监督管理局的局长,离职后被贪污、受贿等罪行起诉。
Last week, a U.S. pre advocacy group said 89 journalists have been killed in Iraq since the U.S. - led invasion in March 2003. 上星期,一个美国记者权益组织说,自从以美国为首的联军在2003年3月进入伊拉克以来已经有89名记者被打死。
Last week, a U.S. press advocacy group said 89 journalists have been killed in Iraq since the U.S. - led invasion in March 2003. 上星期,一个美国记者权益组织说,自从以美国为首的联军在2003年3月进入伊拉克以来已经有89名记者被打死。
Last week, a team of scientists reported confirmation that H.I.V. came from chimpanzees in the nearby country of Cameroon. 上个星期报道了一队科学家证实H.I.V.来自喀麦隆邻近国家的黑猩猩。
Last week, after a year of concerted international pressure, his government agreed to let a small UN contingent into Darfur to help bolster the rickety 7,000-strong African Union force there, which has sadly failed to assert itself. 在国际联合长达一年的共同压力之下,巴希尔当局于上周同意允许一小支联合国小分队入驻达尔富尔,协助支持当地七千余人组成的弱不经风的非洲联军,据说他们连自身都难保。
Last week, at the Academy Awards, filmmaker Michael Moore denounced President Bush and the war in Iraq. 在上星期的奥斯卡颁奖晚会上,电影制作人迈克尔·摩尔公开指责了布什总统和对伊拉克的战争。
Last week, data showed that Japan's economy has achieved its longest postwar growth period, surpassing the record set nearly 40 years ago. 上周,数据显示日本经济已实现战后持续时间最长的增长,超过了近40年前创下的纪录。
Last week, federal agencies released the final version of a statement on subprime lending. 上周,联邦机构发布了关于次级贷款借贷的最终政府报告。
Last week, her husband Bill told graduates at the University of Texas's public-affairs school in Austin—as temperatures outside soared to 34°C—that “Climate change is more remote than terror, but a more profound threat. 上周,在位于奥斯汀的德州大学公共事务学院,她的丈夫比尔克林顿告诉该校的毕业生,当室外气温超过34°C时,“气候变暖便不再是一个遥远的可怖之事,而是一个巨大的威胁。”

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