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Science is on the march.

Science is fun and exciting. 科学是充满着趣味,并且激动人心的。
Science is important to China. 中国非常重视科学研究。
Science is looking for a black cat in a dark room. [科学就是在暗房里寻找一只黑猫。
Science is not yet threatening free will's existence: for the moment there seems little prospect of anybody being able to answer definitively the question of whether it really exists or not. 科学尚未威胁到自由意志的存在,因为到目前为止,还没有谁能肯定地回答它是否存在。
Science is often referred to as a double-edged sword, increasing our wealth and comfort while leaving people in fear of potential dangers like human cloning. 人们常说科学是把双刃剑,增长了财富,带来了安逸的同时,也使人们恐惧着克隆人之类的潜在危险。
Science is on the march. 科学正在进步中。
Science is the bridge to civilization. 科学是通向文明的桥。
Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition. 科学是狂热和迷信这两大毒害的最佳解药.
Science is the knowledge of consequences,and dependence Of one fact upon another. 科学是因果之学,前因后果均以事实为依据。
Science is the systematic classification of experience. 科学是对经验有系统的分类。
Science is very unkind mistress. She poorly rewards those who give themselves to her service. 科学是个很不仁慈的女主人。她吝啬地报答那些为科学而献身的人。

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