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Kyle Shoemaker has been given two credit cards with very high limits.

Kwun Tong Clinic, Shop E, G/F, 29 Tung Ming Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 06官塘诊所,香港九龙官塘通明街29号地下E号铺。
Kyle : No. No, she's not. She's been through something . She's not herself right now. Can we get the 1) seat belt signs on? 凯莉:不。不,她没事才怪。她经历了很大的打击。她现在身心状况不太好。我们可以把系安全带的灯号打开吗?
Kyle : We've got to search the plane. I don't know how to organize that. 凯莉:我们得搜寻这架飞机。我不知道该怎麽组织发动这件事。
Kyle Farnsworth is going to give up a run or at least make Yankee fans sweat. 第二、方师兄放肆火上场必将失分,或者至少会让洋基球迷锉到全身冒汗!
Kyle Foggo and a friend have been linked to a congressional bribery scandal. 凯尔·福戈及其朋友被怀疑与国会腐败丑闻有染。
Kyle Shoemaker has been given two credit cards with very high limits. 卡尔,舒迈克获得了两张有很高透支额信用卡。
Kyle couldn't fix his scooter, but the mechanic solved the problem easily. 凯尔没办法修好他的机车,但是修车技工却轻而易举地解决了问题。
Kyle decided on Georgetown, and I was going to Duke. 凯尔决定上乔治敦大学,而我则决定去上杜克大学。
Kyle's mother is carping, anxious, lethally meddlesome; she takes a stand to raise awareness of conjoined twins, which seems intended just to mortify the person it's supposed to help, a school nurse who has a dead fetus attached to her head. 凯尔的母亲爱挑刺,性情急燥,管起闲事来无所顾忌,她总爱向人们提起联体人的事,她这样做似乎就是为了使那位人们认为应受到帮助的人丢面子,也就是一位头上带有死胎联体物的护士。
Kyle: Afraid so. We used to have cash advances, but the company stopped that when they started issuing cards. 恐怕是。我们以前是预支差旅费,但自从公司使用信用卡后,就停止了。
Kyle: Ah hah, you must be happy. You've been itching to go on a business trip for months. 啊哈,你肯定很高兴。你想出差都想好几个月了。

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