Gustav Mahler wrote Symphony No. 1 at age 24, much younger than Beethoven in starting symphonic composition. |
中文意思: 马勒二十四岁时开始创作《第一号交响曲》,比贝多芬开始创作交响曲的年纪还年轻。 |
Gus: [Stunned] He wasn't a corpse whe I left him Charlie .
(惊呆)查理,我离开他的时候,他还不是死尸。. |
Gusaka summons several ancient spirits of flame to defend himself.
古萨卡召唤数个古老的火焰之灵来保护自己。 |
Gushed over the baby.
过度热情逗弄婴儿 |
Gussasphalt is characteristic of good tightness, monolithic, flexibility and anti-fatigue behavior.
摘要浇注式沥青混凝土有着不透水、整体性强、柔韧性好和抗老化性能优良的特点。 |
Gust A gust of wind blew the door shut.
一阵大风吹来,把门关上了。 |
Gustav Mahler wrote Symphony No. 1 at age 24, much younger than Beethoven in starting symphonic composition.
马勒二十四岁时开始创作《第一号交响曲》,比贝多芬开始创作交响曲的年纪还年轻。 |
Gustavo: OK, already. I guess they're good for recycling.
小古:好吧。我想他们回收资源是不错的。 |
Gustavo: What do I have to do if I want to sell my product in convenience stores?
小古:若我有项商品想在便利商店卖,要怎么做? |
Gustilo RB,Merkow RL,Templeman D.Current concepts review:the management of open fractures.[J]J Bone Joint surg(Am)1990,72:299.
唐三元,徐永年,郑玉明.交锁髓内钉治疗胫骨骨折的并发症原因与处理[J].中国矫形外科杂志,1998,5(1):57~59. |
Gusty winds may blow out of a thunderstorm at speed in excess of 75 miles an hour.
阵风可以以每小时75英里以上的速度从雷暴中吹出。 |
Gusuzayong by Gao Qi presents a special writing manner, that is, deviating from traditional mode that emphasizes immediate feedbacks on exterior sights and accidents, substituting imagination and retrospection recurring to tests of history and legends for
摘要高启《姑苏杂咏》呈示出一种迥异常规的写作方式,即背离传统的即景会心、激发与回应的抒情方式,借助历史、传说的文本进行的想象和追忆取代了经验的动力学地位;与此相应,诗歌中的抒情形象,在某种程度上带上了建构和虚拟的意味。 |