Though much of the sixteenth century, the English had mixed feelings about the New World.
在16世纪的大部分时间里,英国人对于新大陆怀有复杂的感情。 |
Though multiple submucosal lipomas or lipomatous polyposis involving the small and large intestine segmentally or diffusely have been described [1,2], diffuse lipomatous polyposis of colon is still very rare and is infrequently encountered in clinical pra
虽然局部或广泛发生在小肠或大肠的脂肪瘤或脂肪息肉病已被提及过,然而大肠广泛脂肪息肉病仍然少见且甚少在临床上被提出。 |
Though my English is very poor ,I also want to come in.You all will be my teachers and friends.
无论快乐或是失意,总是藏在心底。只知道坚强,把所有的痛自己扛。我为我爱的人而存在,一切名利与我皆是过眼云烟。。。 |
Though my daily life is extremely monotonous, I try hard to adapt myself to it.
虽然我的日常生活十分单调,但我却竭力设法去适应它。 |
Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me.
10我父母离弃我,耶和华必收留我。 |
Though my lodging has already been arranged, I am freezing in the snow as dusk gathers around me.
虽然住宿已为我安顿好了﹐可是暮色苍茫的雪中我仍然觉得寒冷。 |
Though my sight is gone, I remember your scent!
虽然我失去了视觉但我记得你的味道! |
Though my writing resembles an ugly monster, it actually looks a little better without any embellishment.
我的文章就像一个丑八怪,不打扮,看起来倒还顺眼些。 |
Though nearly 50, he was exceptionally vigorous in work.
别看他快五十岁了,工作却是雷厉风行。 |
Though nearly twenty he was barely literate.
他都快二十了, 还是睁眼瞎子. |
Though newsprint rationing was a worldwide common practice after the War, the Nationalist regime in Taiwan exploited it, coupled with an import substitute policy of newsprint production monopoliezed by the state, to achieve double political objectives.
摘要二次大战后,台湾与世界同步管制新闻纸张的配销,然而一项经济物资的节约措施,却夹杂了控制政治言论散布的意图。 |