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The doctor order blood tests before initiating these therapies, and during follow-up.

The doctor may recommend limiting the amount of fat in your diet. 医生可能会建议限制你饮食中的脂肪量。
The doctor must make certain that there is no other cause of visual loss such as macular degeneration, macular hole, nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, epimacular membranes, cataract, amblyopia (lazy eye), previous retinal detachment, or circul 医生必须先确认并非其它因素的造成的(诸如斑点恶化,眼中穿洞,近视,远视,散光斑点膜,白内障,弱视,早先的视网膜分离或是其它问题)才可以考虑用于手术治疗。
The doctor often visits his patients. 这位医生经常探视他的病人。
The doctor operated on the neck of the patient. 医生给病人的颈部动手术。
The doctor operated the patient on the neck. 医生给病人的颈部动手术。
The doctor order blood tests before initiating these therapies, and during follow-up. 医生下医嘱在开始这些治疗之前进行血液检测,并在治疗期间进行随访。
The doctor ordered him to strip and there he stood in nature's buff . 医生命令他脱掉衣服,于是他一丝不挂地站在哪儿。
The doctor ordered him to strip and there he stood in nature's buff. 医生命令他脱掉衣服,于是他一丝不挂地站在哪儿。
The doctor ordered me to rest. 医生命令我去休息。
The doctor ordered me to stay in bed. 医生命令我留在床上。
The doctor ordered me to take a rest for a week. 医生指示我要我休息一周。

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