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China urgently needs to develop methodologies for environmental risk assessment (ERA) and to identify risk stressors and their environmental exposure and adverse effects on a regional scale.

China transports an average of 7.6 million passengers per kilometer (about 12 million per mile) of a train route, almost six times the world average. 中国每公里铁路平均运送760万乘客(约1200万每英里——美国使用英里),六倍于世界平均水平。
China treats American support for Taiwan, a separately governed island that China claims as its sovereign territory, as the biggest irritant in bilateral relations. 中国把美国视为台湾的支持者,并把台湾问题视为两国之间存在的最大障碍。
China two and a half piece of area exempt postage, other countries and regions concrete postage please leave a message! 中国地区两件以上免邮费,其他国家和地区具体邮费请留言!
China undertook bilateral market access negotiations on goods with members of the Working Party. 中国与工作组成员就货物贸易进行了双边市场准入谈判。
China urged the North on Wednesday to act with restraint, while South Korea's president called for a stern response. 中国在本周三表示北朝鲜应该有节制地采取行动,而南韩总统则呼吁国际世界要严肃对待此事。
China urgently needs to develop methodologies for environmental risk assessment (ERA) and to identify risk stressors and their environmental exposure and adverse effects on a regional scale. 摘要随着环境中能够检出的有毒污染物种类不断增多,基于制定环境标准来控制有毒污染物的传统方法正在受到挑战,而环境风险评价研究己成为当前环境领域研究的热点。
China used 1.2 billion tons of coal for heating and generating electricity. 中国消耗了12亿吨煤炭用来取暖和发电。
China utilized $53.5 billion in foreign direct investment in 2003. 全年实际利用外商直接投资535亿美元。
China wants its economic rise to complement, not replace, the current order. 中国希望自身经济的崛起,能够补充、而非取代目前的格局。
China wants to resurrect a one-point-two billion dollar deal to explore Iraq's al-Ahdab oil field that it had signed with former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein. 中国希望重新启动中国同前伊拉克总统萨达姆签署的一项协议,这项开发伊拉克阿赫代布油田的协议价值12亿美元。
China wants to use more nuclear energy to power its fast-growing economy and to reduce its energy dependence on coal and oil. 中国希望用更多的铀能源来为飞速发展的经济提供动力,同时希望减少对煤和石油能源的依赖性。

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