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There are many different language comments here. We can read poesy and get the information about lanauage. Not only English , Japanese. French and other language are welcomed.

There are many different concepts of cost in accounting, and the one that is relevant in any particular context depends very much on the purpose to be served by the cost accounting. 会计中成本的概念有多种,哪一种能够适用于某一特定情况,取决于成本会计的目的。
There are many different kinds of fish in the river. 河里有许多不同种类的鱼。
There are many different kinds of fishes in the river. 这条河里有许多不同种类的鱼。
There are many different kinds of germs, but the four most common are: bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa. 微生物种类繁多,其中最普通的四种是:细菌,病毒,真菌,原生动物。
There are many different kinds of mooncakes. 有许多不同种类的月饼。
There are many different language comments here. We can read poesy and get the information about lanauage. Not only English , Japanese. French and other language are welcomed. 外语的帖子不仅仅包括了学校中学习的知识点语法点词汇等,可以发一些小诗歌,大家共同欣赏,有点类似于外语角。当然不仅仅是英语啦,如果有日语、法语、德语等其他语言,也可以在这里发帖的。
There are many different types of abstract space in mathematics, for examples, vector space, inner product space, etc. 数学上存在各种不同的抽象空间,例如向量空间,内积空间等。
There are many different types of contracts in theory, but one contract may suit some classifications in practice. 理论上有不同种类的合同,但实际上一个合同可能符合好几种分类。
There are many difficulties during popularizing modern media in the LaHu nationality mountain village: insufficient media quantity, obstacle of language, low society serving standard, backward fundamental facilities. 摘要拉祜族山区在现代化媒介的推广和使用过程中存在着媒体数量不足、语言障碍、社会服务水平低、基础设施落后等困难。
There are many difficulties in studying Radiation &Oncology.We improve the teaching effect by selecting the proper teaching content,optimizing the teaching mode,cultivating idea of multidisciplinary tumor management and clinical teaching. 放射肿瘤学的学习难点较多,我们通过选择合适的教学内容、优化教学手段、培养综合治疗观念和进行临床实习等方面来提高教学效果。
There are many discussions on this Undoissue in this forum before, it is impossible to database system. It will not happen unitl there is a revolution to database mechanism. 在这论坛上对撤消功能这一项曾多次讨论,按现在的数据库糸统,跟本是不可能。除非整个数据库糸统概念和运作作出根本的改革,否则这事实不可改变。

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