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Always, in the back of his mind, in the corner of his heart, had been Jun.

Always will our whole nation remember the character of the onslaught against us. 我们整个国家都将永远记住这次日本对我进攻的性质。
Always will we remember the character of the onslaught against us. 我们将永远记住这次对我们袭击的性质。
Always with a leer on his face and a beautiful woman at his side, Benny Hill has charmed millions if not billions of people in more than 140 counties around the world. 他总是面露淫笑并且总有美女相伴左右,班已经让全球140多个国家的上亿人为之着迷。
Always with pleasure at your service. 我们随时愿为你效劳。
Always yield to temptation, because it may not pass your way again. 诱惑来了不用抗拒,因为不会再来第二次。
Always, in the back of his mind, in the corner of his heart, had been Jun. 总是,在他的心后面,在他的心角落中,已经是六月。
Alwin : OK, but what is our school mascot? 阿尔文:好啊,但我们学校的吉祥物是什么?
Alwin dressed as a hairy bear. 阿尔文穿得像一头毛茸茸的熊。
Alwin :Kate. Could you do me a favor? 阿尔文:凯伊,你可否帮我一个忙?
Alyaksandr Lukashenka, the repressive president of Belarus, admitted last week that the results of his country's presidential election in March were fixed—but to give him fewer votes than he actually received. 一贯强硬的白俄罗斯总统亚历山大·卢卡申科上周承认,该国今年3月举行的总统选举结果尘埃落定——但他的最终得票数略低于实际得票数。
Alyssa: Well, then, what are you going to do? Just resent him? 艾丽萨:恩,那你打算干什么呢?就是这样默默的讨厌他?

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