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A: It's a bunch of mush! Where does he get off calling me a kitten?

A: It would represent quite a savings . 这省下的可是一笔不少的钱哩。
A: It'll take a lot of effort to break into this market. 要进军这个市场需要付出很大努力。
A: It's 2.4. It's quite out of date now. 2.4版的,现在已经太老了。
A: It's a big jump in science. Maybe more like a leap. 这是科学上的一大跃进,也许说成飞跃更合适。
A: It's a big room with a kind-side double bed and two single beds. We could also add rollaways. 那是一间额大的房间,有一张特大的双人床和两张单人床,我们还可以加活动床铺。
A: It's a bunch of mush! Where does he get off calling me a kitten? “为赋新词强说愁”!他凭什么叫我“小猫”?
A: It's a neat idea. In China, it is important for us to have dinner together on Mid-Autumn Festival. 好主意.在中国,在中秋节这天,对于我们能在一起吃顿团圆饭是很重要的.
A: It's about environmental protection. 是关于环境保护的。
A: It's asking me for a (password/ username/ my email address). 它要(我输入密码/用户名/我的电子邮箱地址)。
A: It's awesome that Dad is taking us to Disneyland. 爸爸要带我们去迪斯尼乐园,好棒啊。
A: It's because of the view. 这是因为观景不同。

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