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Article 29 When the machinery and equipment, being assigned a fixed price and used as contributing investment, have arrived at China's port, the foreign-capital enterprise shall apply to China's commodity inspection authorities for inspection, which shall

Article 29 The unit in charge of a construction project which may produce environmental noise pollution due to the use of machines and other equipment, must report, 15 days before commencement of construction, to the competent administrative department fo 第二十九条在城市市区范围内,建筑施工过程中使用机械设备,可能产生环境噪声污染的,施工单位必须在工程开工十五日以前向工程所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门申报该工程的项目名称、施工场所和期限、可能产生的环境噪声值以及所采取的环境噪声污染防治措施的情况。
Article 29 Units discharging industrial solid waste must establish and improve the responsibility system for the prevention and control of environmental pollution and adopt measures for the prevention and control of environmental pollution by industrial s 第二十九条产生工业固体废物的单位应当建立、健全污染环境防治责任制度,采取防治工业固体废物污染环境的措施。
Article 29 Upon termination of an adoptive relationship, an adult adopted child who has been reared by the adoptive parents shall provide an amount of money to support the adoptive parents who have lost ability to work and are short of any source of incom 第三十条收养关系解除后,经养父母抚养的成年养子女,对缺乏劳动能力又缺乏生活来源的养父母,应当给付生活费。
Article 29 When any individual or unit,in violation of the provisions of this Law,manufactures, repairs or sells unqualified measuring instruments leading to people's injury or death or causing major property losses,the individual or the person in the uni 第二十九条违反本法规定,制造、修理、销售的计量器具不合格,造成人身伤亡或者重大财产损失的,比照《刑法》第一百八十七条的规定,对个人或者单位直接责任人员追究刑事责任。
Article 29 When producing a new medicine, it is necessary to submit information about the methods of production, quality indices, pharmacological and toxicological testing results, and other related materials and sales as required by the pharmaceutical su 第二十九条研制新药,必须按照国务院药品监督管理部门的规定如实报送研制方法、质量指标、药理及毒理试验结果等有关资料和样品,经国务院药品监督管理部门批准后,方可进行临床试验。
Article 29 When the machinery and equipment, being assigned a fixed price and used as contributing investment, have arrived at China's port, the foreign-capital enterprise shall apply to China's commodity inspection authorities for inspection, which shall 第二十九条作价出资的机器设备运抵中国口岸时,外资企业应当报请中国的检机构进行检验,由该商检机构出具检验报告。
Article 29 When transferring a scientific or technological achievement made by employees while holding positions in a unit, the unit shall take not less than 20 percent of the net income, obtained from transfer of the achievement, to award persons who mad 第二十九条科技成果完成单位将其职务科技成果转让给他人的,单位应当从转让该项职务科技成果所取得的净收入中,提取不低于20%的比例,对完成该项科技成果及其转化做出重要贡献的人员给予奖励。
Article 29 Where a QDII or investment consultant selects or entrusts a securities service institution outside the territory of China for buying and selling securities, it shall severely perform the fiduciary responsibility, and manage the procedures of in 第二十九条境内机构投资者、投资顾问挑选、委托境外证券服务机构代理买卖证券的,应当严格履行受信责任,并按照有关规定对投资交易的流程、信息披露、记录保存进行管理。
Article 29 Where a branch company is to be established contemporaneous with the establishment of a limited liability company, an application for registration of such branch company shall be submitted to the company registration authority, and it shall be 第二十九条:设立有限责任公司的同时设立分公司的,应当就所设分公司向公司登记机关申请登记,领取营业执照。
Article 29 Where a reserve officer has committed a crime and has been deprived of his political rights or sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of three years or more in accordance with law, he shall be deprived of his reserve rank. 第二十九条预备役军官犯罪,被依法判处剥夺政治权利或者三年以上有期徒刑的,应当剥夺其预备役军官军衔。
Article 29 Where an operating enterprise needs to return to and change the imported materials with the original supplier as a result of quality problem,or non conformity of the imported materials with the specification or type with that stipulated in the 第二十九条经营企业进口料件因质量问题、规格型号与合同不符等原因,需返还原供货商进行退换的,可以直接向口岸海关办理报关手续。

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