It seems that hip-hop music is ubiquitous these days, from popular radio to TV commercials.
现在,从大众广播到电视广告,嘻哈音乐似乎无所不在。 |
It seems that his flattery won't work this time.
3看来他的阿谀奉承这次不能奏效了。 |
It seems that his ideas are lacking in original but filled by hackneyed words.
他似乎没有什么独到的见解,他的讲话充满了陈词滥调。 |
It seems that his ideas lacking in original but filled by hackneyed words.
他似乎没有什么独到的见解,他的讲话充满了陈词滥调。 |
It seems that human beings are born with a special language-learning capacity. In fact, they are regular input processors!
人类似乎与生俱来就拥有一种特殊学习语言的能力。实际上,人类就像是持续输入讯号的处理器。 |
It seems that i am at the end of my tether.
看起来我已经无路可走了。 |
It seems that increasing the surface area of inseration with the dentin improves the distribution of the load caused by the insertion of the post.
(3)侧向受力时:螺旋根柱应力分布随施力方向,在施力处对侧应力增加,而根柱长短及直径大小的影响和垂直受力时相似。 |
It seems that it is an endless nignt.
似乎这一夜永远过不完. |
It seems that just by preventing the infarction from growing and by artificially thickening the heart wall in the infracted area, the graft could have helped prevent the usual remodeling of the ventricle.
它的效果看起来比较像避免梗塞部位的扩大,并且增加了梗塞心脏的心室壁厚度,只能说,移植的组织可能防止了心室重塑。 |
It seems that matter is lost when fuels burn.
似乎燃料燃烧时物质就消失了。 |
It seems that only in very extreme cases will a mother's diet adversely affect the quality of her breastmilk.
只有极个别的例子显示母乳的饮食会对乳汁质量造成负面影响,国际母乳会甚至说“哺乳期间爱吃啥吃啥”。 |