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– and Kepi is saying again in that small unctuous voice: Will you please be so good as to buy me a little cheroot?

(v)natural catastrophes such as earthquake, hurricane, typhoon or volcanic activity. 自然灾害,如地震、飓风、台风、或火山活动。
(x)Please not that this advice does not constitute our confirmation of the above L/C nor does it convey any engagement or obligation on our part. 信用证一份,现随附通知。贵司交单时,请将本通知书及信用证一并提示。
(“Apply with the fingertips or a cotton pad. Rinse with water or toner.” “以指尖或化妆棉将适量产品涂抹于面部,加以按摩。再以清水或柔肤水洗净。”
(“Producing safe, healthy and hygienic pu-erh tea” is not only the slogan of the Longrun Tea Group, but also its aim. “提供安全、健康、卫生的普洱茶”不仅仅是龙润茶业集团的口号,更是龙润茶业集团的奋斗目标。
– When I see the figures of men and women moving listlessly behind their prison walls, sheltered, secluded for a few brief hours, I am appalled by the potentialities for drama that are still contained in these feeble bodies. 每当我看到男男女女在监狱大墙后面无精打采地移动—他们头上有遮盖,只是与世隔绝短短的几小时—我便大吃一惊,这些衰弱的人身上居然仍具有表现出情趣的潜力。
– and Kepi is saying again in that small unctuous voice: Will you please be so good as to buy me a little cheroot? 接着你会惊奇地发现又置身于一家烟店里了—也许仍是原先那家—凯皮又油腔滑调地低声说,”请你行行好给我买支雪茄吧!”
Objective: To make a comparartively analysis of the effects of 10% KCl injection into the fatal cardiac area and yolk sac aspiration on multifetal pregnancy reduction.  方法 :选择多胎妊娠患者共 2 3例 ,采取胸心搏动区注射 10 %KCl( 8例 )和卵黄囊抽吸 ( 15例 )进行多胎妊娠选择性减胎手术 ,观察平均穿刺数、平均减胎操作时间、减胎失败率、流产发生率、感染发生率等。
"Oneness of nature and man" is basic spirit of Chinese ancient philosophy,which is a significant reference for the current eco-crisis. "天人合一"是中国传统哲学的基本精神,它对于解决当代生态危机有着十分重要的借鉴意义,但它同时又具有其内在的理论困境。
Objective: To explore the effect of neuron stem cells (NSCs) transplantation on promoting therecovery of the hindlimb motofunction and the expression of neurotrophins (NTFs) followingspinal cord transection in adult rats. [目的]:探讨神经干细胞移植对全横断脊髓损伤(SCI)大鼠后肢运动功能及其脊髓内神经营养因子表达的影响。
GC-MS Analysis of the Volatile Oil in Almonds (Prunus sibirica var. suavosperma); [目的]分析甜杏仁挥发油中的化学成分。

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