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Based on an introduction of some language acquisition theories in relation to the similarities and differences in developing proficiency in firstand secondlanguage,this paper is an attempt to shed light on the multiple dimensions of language acquisition/l

Based on an integrated correlation and study of regional and deep geophysical data such as 12 magnetotelluric sounding profiles, 5 seismic profiles, tomographic imaging velocity structural data and gravity and magnetic field, the authors have formulated t 作者借助12条大地电磁测深剖面、5条地震剖面、层析成像速度结构资料、重磁场等区域的和深部的地球物理资料进行综合对比研究,给出长江中下游及其邻区的三维深部构造格架及其与含金夕卡岩矿床和铜伴生金夕卡岩矿床的分布关系。
Based on an integrated study of geochemical data obtained in southern Songliao basin in the past 20 years, this paper has given a rough description of the oil and gas micropercolation and origin of geochemical anomalies in this area, the main factors affe 摘要通过对松辽盆地南部近20年化探资料的综合研究,概述了该区的油气微渗漏与化探异常成因、地表化探主要影响因素、化探方法指标有效性、异常信息提取技术及化探异常模式,总结出适合于该区的有效油气化探方法系列以及一套干扰因素的排除、异常信息提取及化探异常解释评价技术。
Based on an introduce of the procedure for stipulating the standard of vibration diagnosis of oil transfer pump on an offshore platform, by means of measuring point distribution analysis and selection of diagnosis parameters, the standard for vibration di 摘要在介绍制订外输泵振动诊断标准意义及步骤的基础上,通过测点规划与诊断参数选取,将加速度包络和振动速度作为制订标准时的诊断参数,采用改进的统计法制订了QK18-1平台外输泵振动诊断标准,应用该标准诊断故障30余次,表明该标准具有较高的可信度及工程应用价值。
Based on an introduction of regional rapid rail transit in Shanghai Guangzhou, and Tianjin, the features and effects of rapid rail transit on urban development are presented, and it is concluded that the construction of regional rapid rail transit will op 摘要通过介绍上海、广州、天津等城市的市域性轨道交通快速线,阐述了轨道交通快速线的特点及其对城市发展的重要作用;说明通过修建市域性轨道交通快速线,可以达到优化调整城市布局、缓解城市压力、改善城市生活质量的目的。
Based on an introduction of some language acquisition theories in relation to the similarities and differences in developing proficiency in firstand secondlanguage, this paper is an attempt to shed light on the multiple dimensions of language acquisition/ 摘要通过介绍二语习得理论中关于第一语言和第二语言语言水平发展的异同的相关研究,阐明了语言习得/学习过程是一个包含语言,认知,情感和社会交往等多重范畴的过程。
Based on an introduction of some language acquisition theories in relation to the similarities and differences in developing proficiency in firstand secondlanguage,this paper is an attempt to shed light on the multiple dimensions of language acquisition/l 通过介绍二语习得理论中关于第一语言和第二语言语言水平发展的异同的相关研究,阐明了语言习得/学习过程是一个包含语言,认知,情感和社会交往等多重范畴的过程.在很大程度上,第一语言和第二语言习得/学习的特殊性(如年龄,认知能力,学习动机,学习策略,社会环境等)决定了第一语言和第二语言在语言水平的发展上存在很大的差异性.鉴于此,本文也深入探讨了第一语言和第二语言语言水平发展的差异性对于外语教学的启示作用.
Based on an investigation to rural association cooperation, this article depicts a current phenomenon of the fast development of rural association cooperation, analyzes a cooperative relationship of association peasant households, the existing problems an 摘要文章基于对农村协会合作的调查,勾勒了当前农村协会合作快速发展的现象,分析了“协会―农户”合作关系,应用博弈论基本原理和方法,分析协会合作存在的问题和单边“履约欺诈”动机,对于反映违约率高的现象给出“协会―农户”合作的模型,作出理论解释。
Based on analyses of some concrete ci-poetry, it is concluded that the ci-poetry written by the geishas with lower literate level shows inspiration and expression from a vivid, colorful and natural life for lack of the influence and constraint from male w 通过对具体词例的分析认为,第一类文化层次较低的歌伎所写之歌词,因其“男性书写”格式之习染与约束较少,表现为生动变化富于本真的生命之感发;第二类与文士往来的文化层次较高的歌伎之词,则因受到文士们“男性书写”方式的影响,表现出双性的美感。
Based on analysing all kinds of sediment silting basins and their suitable conditions, the traditional sedimentation basin has been improved in three aspects, i. e., setting an adjusting flow board in the fore of setting basin, adding a spillway trough al 摘要在对各种类型沉沙池及适用条件进行分析的基础上,通过在沉沙池的首部加调流板、在溢流堰上沿水流方向设溢流槽、对冲沙廊道进行改进并设置辅助冲沙设施这3个方面对传统沉沙池进行了改进。
Based on analysing historical and field survey materials, this paper draws some conclusions about the land-use changes and the environmental effects of Suizhou city, Hubei Province. 摘要通过分析历史方献资料和实地调查材料,总结了随州市土地利用变化及其环境效应,认爲:近50年来,随州市土地利用结构发生了显著变化,林地增加90%,耕地增加77.8%,草地面积减少98%。
Based on analysing land use change of Taipusi county in the farming-pasturing interlocked areas Inner Mongolia, the land resources use potential was forecasted, which will have the practical significance to the next land resource sustainable use. 本文在对内蒙古农牧交错区太仆寺旗土地利用的变化分析的基础上,预测了土地资源利用的潜力,对今后的土地资源可持续利用具有现实意义。

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