So much energy must be expended to break the bonds of Earth's gravity that current launchers can barely carry enough fuel to get to orbit. |
中文意思: 摆脱地球重力束缚所需的能量之大,现有的发射器只能勉强携带足够的燃料达到轨道。 |
So more leverage is needed to ensure that basic biomedical research remains open to all.
所以我们需要更多的政府干预,以确保大家都能使用基础生医研究的成果。 |
So more patients travel for treatment to countries where anonymity is still legal.
所以很多患者都去匿名合法的国家治疗。 |
So more will come, and more information about these new features will come soon.
所以后面还有更多新东西,更多信息会随之二来。 |
So much beautiful flowers in dream, full of prosperity, admirers everywhere, guests over 3,000, full of glamour, thunderous applause, indulge in luxury and romance.............just don't like to wake up.
梦里繁花似锦,金玉满堂,崇拜者众,食客三千,华灯璀璨,掌声雷动,挥霍纵情,男欢女爱,如痴如醉,欲仙欲死……就是不愿醒来。 |
So much depends on Mother Earth and Her vibrational system.
有这麽多仰赖大地之母和她的震动的系统。 |
So much energy must be expended to break the bonds of Earth's gravity that current launchers can barely carry enough fuel to get to orbit.
摆脱地球重力束缚所需的能量之大,现有的发射器只能勉强携带足够的燃料达到轨道。 |
So much exciting stuff coming up.
那么多令人兴奋的事物出现! |
So much for not seeking love, eh?
还是就此住手吧。 |
So much for recycling: Burials in America deposit 827,060 gallons of embalming fluid—formaldehyde, methanol, and ethanol—into the soil each year.
就甭提回收利用了:美国墓地每年把827060加仑的涂尸防腐液(甲醛、甲醇和乙醇)排到到地里。 |
So much for star status.
名人架势也非管用。 |
So much for technical projects, now I'd like to approach some of the promised largerquestions.
关于技术性的计画有这麽多〔可说〕,现在我想要进行一些〔先前〕所承诺的「较大的」问题。 |