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This article introduces the pilot experiment of producing pentahydrate sodium metasilicate by water glass with the method of crystal in solution.

This article introduces the leaked oil recovery technologies of pipelines and the cleanup methods for petroleum contaminated soil and groundwater used in foreign countries, aiming at decreasing the social impact and environmental loss, which can provide a 摘要介绍了国外管道发生的陆地漏油、水体漏油和其它漏油方式的漏油回收和事故后所采取的防污染措施、使用的设备以及环境恢复方法,以期减轻事故的社会影响,降低环境污染损失,为国内管道的环境管理提供借鉴。
This article introduces the manual hyperinflation technique. 本文介绍手动式高度充气扩肺术。
This article introduces the material and heat balance calculations which can be used in equipment size and dimension design for a 500 t/a pilot plant. 介绍了年产500t生物柴油中试生产线进行设备设计时的物料衡算和热量衡算。
This article introduces the operating principle and design method of a kind of new-type audio power amplifier with digital volume control. 摘要介绍了一种新型具有数字音量调节功能音频功放的工作原理和设计方法,并将设计应用于实际电路中,获得了很好的效果。
This article introduces the operation of the devices for emergency illumination adopted on the line 2 of Guangzhou metro, and the running features of inverters as well as the maintenance of batteries. 摘要主要介绍广州地铁2号线事故照明装置的使用情况和逆变器设备的运行特点以及蓄电池的维护要点。
This article introduces the pilot experiment of producing pentahydrate sodium metasilicate by water glass with the method of crystal in solution. 摘要介绍了以水玻璃为原料,利用溶液结晶法生产五水偏硅酸钠的放大试验。
This article introduces the present development in post-operation treatment of lung cancer, liver cancer and stomach cancer, showing that the synthetic treatment by stages combined with traditional Chinese medicine is the important way to prevent and trea 本文介绍了肺癌、肝癌、胃癌术后治疗的现状,旨在说明联合中医药的分阶段综合治疗是防治肿瘤术后复发转移的重要手段,并且提出了具体治疗的优化方案。
This article introduces the principle, interface and performance parameters of the LED Display driver module; puts up a method of screen division and grayscale display; picks-up some parameters to decribe the scan algorithm; clarifies the relationship bet 摘要介绍了LED显示屏驱动控制模块的原理、接口和性能参数,提出显示屏的屏体分块方法和灰度显示方法,提取了用于显示屏设计中驱动控制方式的若干算法参数,分析并阐明了这些算法参数、显示屏设计要求及驱动模块的性能指标三者之间的关系,并提出了三个设计约束关系式,从而拟定了显示屏的驱动控制方式。
This article introduces the process and requirements of detection set by IAEA in the light of the need for detection, setting of investigation levels and alarm threshold, selection of instrument, location and evaluation of radioactive materials. 本文从探查需求分析、调查水平和报警阈的确定、仪器选择、探测报警、核查定位、鉴别等几个方面介绍了对非法运输放射性物质进行探查的一般过程和要求。
This article introduces the processing, structure and properties of the two kinds of porous ceramics by preceramic polymer pyrolysis, including existing problems needed to resolve. 本文介绍了先驱体转化制备这两类多孔陶瓷的工艺、结构和性能的研究现状,以及其存在的急需解决的问题。
This article introduces the production of edible fungi secondary spawn and culture spawn from preparation of substrate, medium sterilization, sterile working technique, cultural condition, cultural inspection and storage condition in detail. 摘要从配料、灭菌、无菌操作技术、培养条件、培养检查、贮藏条件几个方面对食用菌原种和栽培种生产工艺技术要求进行了详细陈述。

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