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The current fundamental and applied research related to the effects of hand-arm vibration on nervous function were reviewed based on the references in recent years, in order to provide certain indications for the study on prevention and treatment of vibra

The current file worker's important mission is the development and the use file information resource, innovates unceasingly the file service mechanism, on own initiative serves positively for the economic development main battlefield, provides the service 摘要当前档案工作者的重要使命就是开发和利用档案信息资源,不断创新档案服务机制,积极主动地为经济建设主战场服务,通过计算机网络为用户提供服务,并加强各项事务管理,促使档案管理现代化,文中主要从企事业单位档案馆(室)的角度来探讨实现档案管理网络化。
The current flows in one direction in a diode. 电流在二极管中只朝单方向流动。
The current flows out of the output terminal. 电流从输出电极流出。
The current format makes the competition too time consuming and therefore unattractive to the sport's top players. 当前的赛制使得比赛耗时过长,因而不能吸引这项运动的高手前来与赛。
The current formula of bearing capacity of compound foundation is revised. 并对目前复合地基承载力的计算公式进行了修正。
The current fundamental and applied research related to the effects of hand-arm vibration on nervous function were reviewed based on the references in recent years, in order to provide certain indications for the study on prevention and treatment of vibra 摘要该文结合近年来相关文献,对振动性神经功能损伤的基础研究及应用研究进展进行了综述,旨在为振动性神经损伤的研究及其防治提供一定依据。
The current government restructuring is aimed at the following: establishing a highly efficient, well-coordinated and standardized administrative management system; improving the state civil service system; fostering high quality and specialized administr 建立办事高校,运转协调,行为规范的政府行政管理体系,完善国家公务员制度,建设高素质的专业化行政管理干部队伍,逐步建立适应社会主义市场经济体制的中国特色的行政管理体制,是这次国务院机构改革的目标。
The current human dilemma with ascension is that such a large portion of the molecular structure has ceased to vibrate. 目前人类提升所面临的两难困境就是分子结构中如此多的部分都已终止振动了。
The current hypothesis is that the Vedic form of Sanskrit survived until the middle of the first millennium BC. 当前的假说就是梵语形式的吠陀经保存了下来,直到公元前一千年中叶为止。
The current implementation of the expression evaluator cannot differentiate between overloaded C++ functions. 当前对表达式甄别的实现不能区分C++中重载的函数。
The current infrastructure can be enhanced only so far. 目前的基础设施已经达到扩充极限。

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