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Woman, thou hast encircled the world's heart with the depth of thy tears as the sea has the earth.

Woman's voice on tape: Great. It's a pleasure doing business with you. 磁带上女人的声音:太好了。与你做交易很荣幸。
Woman's voice on tape: That's right. Do that, and fifty thousand dollars is yours. 磁带上女人的声音:没错。只要那么去做,5万美元就是你的了。
Woman's voice on tape: We'll pay you fifty thousand dollars. 磁带上女人的声音:我们会付给你5万美元。
Woman, once the sacred giver of life, was now the enemy. 女人起先是生命的给予者,现在变成敌人。
Woman, thou hast encircled the world s heart with the depth of thy tears as the sea has the earth. 妇人呀,你用泪海包绕着世界的心,正如大海包绕着大地。
Woman, thou hast encircled the world's heart with the depth of thy tears as the sea has the earth. 女人,你用泪海环绕世界之心,犹如大海环绕着地球。
Woman: It‘s in the phone book. 女:在电话本上呢。
Woman: And so, you just ran. 女:于是,你就一直跑。
Woman: Are you the agent they sent? 你是他们派来的特工吗?
Woman: Every time I come close to orgasm, he goes to make himself a sandwich. 女士:每次我到高潮时,他总是走开去给自己做块三明治。
Woman: Excuse me. I feel strange asking this, but… are you taking bus 208? 妇女:对不起,很不好意思打忧你啦,你是不是要坐208公交车?

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