Nymphs were an important part of Greek mythology and religion.
在希腊神话和宗教信仰中,山泽女神是一个重要的部分。 |
Nystagmus causes the eyes to move in an uncontrollable manner, so that people with the condition cannot keep their eyes still.
眼球震颤症,指眼球的非自主运动,患者通常无法让眼球停下来。 |
Nystagmus, largely under-researched, is one of a significant number of interests within the Leicester Ophthalmology Group concerned with normal and abnormal eye movements.
莱斯特大学对眼球震颤症这一尚未明确的疾病及关于正常及异常的眼球运动方面的问题有着很深的兴趣。 |
N: I understand. But this is more than a personal di ute. The ourt is involved, too. A deadlock benefits neither side.
护士:我明白了。不过这不仅仅是个人争执,你们也经过了法院了。事情一僵持对双方都不利。 |
N: I understand. But this is more than a personal dispute. The ourt is involved, too. A deadlock benefits neither side.
护士:我明白了。不过这不仅仅是个人争执,你们也经过了法院了。事情一僵持对双方都不利。 |
N: If you need anything,just pre this button.
你若需要什么,就请按这只电钮。 |
N:Because it causes irreversible damage to the nervous system.
因为它对神经系统会可逆的损害。 |
N:On the Lunar New Year's Eve, family members hand out lucky money in red envelopes to their elders and children. That's my favorite part.
尼克:除夕夜时,家人会给他们的长辈和孩子红包。那是我最喜欢的部分。 |
N=3, Values in the parenthesis means soluble protein content ( as % of feed protein ).
2样品数=3,括号内之数值为饲料蛋白质之可溶性蛋白质含量百分比。 |
O , Are Other responsibilities being neglected?
是否忽略了其他该做的事情? |
O Angel of Christ, my holy Guardian and Protector of my soul and body, forgive me all my sins of today.
基督所遣之天使,我神圣的护守者,我灵魂和肉身的保障,求你宽恕我今日所犯的所有罪孽。 |