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It doesn't matter to me.

It doesn't matter this time. 这次没关系。
It doesn't matter to be poor, but a man should be cultured. 一个男人穷不要紧,但要有才学!
It doesn't matter to me what he says. 对我来说,他说什么都无所谓。
It doesn't matter to me what you do. 你做什麽都跟我毫无关系。
It doesn't matter to me what you do. 你做什么都跟我毫无关系。
It doesn't matter to me. 这对我来说无所谓。
It doesn't matter what the score was. 这只是一场比赛,我们需要向前看。
It doesn't matter what you say. 你说什么无关紧要。
It doesn't matter what your gear is or what spec you have. 哪怕你把超人的内裤穿在外面,带上迷你版的萨格拉斯,你也只能被放倒在地。
It doesn't matter when they'll be back. 他们什么时候回来无关紧要。
It doesn't matter where they come from or what they do, the fact that they support me means the world to me and I have such gratitude for them. 无论他们来自哪里,无论他们从事何种职业,对我来说他们的支持就是整个世界,真心感谢他们。

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