Petr Cech will be attempting to keep Wales at bay in Teplice on Saturday. The Czech Republic's Wednesday game is away gainst their closest neighbours, Slovakia, in Bratislava.
切赫将会在周六随捷克国家队在客场迎战威尔士,在周三他们将会在布拉迪斯拉维亚迎战邻国斯洛伐克。 |
Petr Cech's side dropped their first points away in Dublin against Republic of Ireland.
切赫所在的国家队(捷克),在都柏林挑战爱尔兰,带走了1分。 |
Petr Cech: I think that even though we've got injured players, and that's never easy to cope with, we have the capacity to change players.
切赫:我想即使我们有队员受伤,这没有办法避免,但我们有队员替换。 |
Petr will continue his recovery in a hospital closer to his home. Petr's condition is improving everyday and he is now walking again unaided.
切赫之后会在离自己家很近的医院里接受康复治疗。切赫的情况一天比一天好了,他现在已经可以独立下地行走了。 |
Petra had become the leader of the girls as soon as she snapped out of her original depression at coming to Prague.
佩德拉到布拉格来,原是满怀抑郁,如今开心起来,就立即成为女孩子们的领袖。 |
Petra: But I really liked your ads. You're so funny!
佩特拉:但是我很喜欢你的广告。你真的很好玩! |
Petra: Wait a minute. Grant, have we met before?
佩特拉:等一下。格兰特,我们以前见过面吗? |
Petra: You look really familiar.
佩特拉:你看起来很眼熟。 |
Petra: You're Grant Parker.
佩特拉:你是格兰特?帕克。 |
Petrifaction Industry Section in Plan for Construction, the Stretch of the Oil Refinery Project at the southern bank of Meizhou Bay.
规划建设石化工业规划小区,承接湄洲湾南岸炼化一体化石化项目延伸。 |
PetroChina Company Limited (PetroChina) was established as a joint stock company with limited liabilities under the Company Law of the People's Republic of China (the PRC) on November 5, 1999 as part of the restructuring of China National Petroleum Corpor
中国石油天然气股份有限公司(简称中国石油)是于1999年11月5日在中国石油天然气集团公司(简称中国石油集团)重组过程中按照中华人民共和国公司法成立的股份有限公司。 |