We also find that decreasing inequality will encourage human capital accumulation and enhance growth rate, which provides an opportunity for poor country to catch up its richer counterparts.
另一方面,降低收入差异能获得更高的人力资本与经济增长率,这将使得低收入国家有可能追赶上高收入国家。 |
We also find that the inhomogeneous chain is more sensitive to temperature change in comparison with the homogeneous chain.
发现在一定范围内温度对均匀链的平衡构型影响较小,而对非均匀链的平衡构型影响较大。 |
We also found a mug, a package of powdered cocoa, and a few other odds and ends.
我们还找到一个杯子,一包可可粉,和一些小东西。 |
We also found, for the first time, an increased risk of colon cancers.
我们也第一次发现暴露在联氨之下会增加直肠癌的风险。 |
We also get small amounts from Mexico, Argentina and about 15 other countries.
我们还从墨西哥、阿根廷和另外约15个国家少量进口。 |
We also give prizes for the best-built rocket.
我们还为制作最好的火箭模型颁奖。 |
We also give the matrix forms of the interface partial derivative with multiple complex interfaces.
给出了任意多个复杂界面情况下,反演时所需的走时对界面偏导数系数矩阵。 |
We also got the title of Chongqing Key New Product in the same year.
获科技部2006年度首批创新基金无偿资助项目,立项编号为:06026215110519,并获2006年重庆市重点新产品。 |
We also guide you to open the heart, for it is only as the heart opens that the soul residing therein can be heard enough to direct one's spiritual unfolding.
我们也引导你打开心灵,因为只有当心灵打开,栖居在那里的灵魂才能被充分地听见,来指引你灵性萌发成长。 |
We also had quite a number of visitors, some to see us off, some to fetch things, and some to do both.
来客也不少,有送行的,有拿东西的,有送行兼拿东西的。 |
We also had them write down, or draw things that made them happy, or made them scared.
我们还让他们写写画画,记下使自己高兴或是害怕的东西。 |