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The model system of coal injection for No.6 BF at Lianyuan Iron and Steel Corporation consists of index model, raceway geometry model, oxygen-enriched model and energy use model.

The model realized the semantic sharing between migrating instance and workstations in a better way. 该模型较好地实现了迁移实例与各站点间的语义共享。
The model result indicated the foreign direct investment can reduce the host country income inequality in the short-term, but in long-term, the foreign direct investment causes the technology advancement can counterbalance the income inequality reduction 该模型考虑到外商直接投资所带来的技术进步,结果表明:在短期,外商直接投资可以减少东道国收入不平等;但是在长期,外商直接投资所引起的技术进步会抵消短期的收入不平等减少效应,其减少的幅度取决于技术进步的程度。
The model shows that these reductions would take place between two thousand twelve and two thousand thirty. 该模型显示该降低会发生在2012年和2030年之间。
The model suggests that even with lower interest rates, America's growth rate could slow by more than a percentage point next year. 这个模型表明即使利率下降了,明年美国的经济增长率下降也会超过一个百分点。
The model system has been debugged and emendated by using the actual data of No.6 BF at the Corporation. 利用涟钢高炉的实际生产数据,对模型进行了调试和校正。
The model system of coal injection for No.6 BF at Lianyuan Iron and Steel Corporation consists of index model, raceway geometry model, oxygen-enriched model and energy use model. 摘要涟源钢铁集团有限公司6号高炉喷煤工艺模型包括指标计算模型、回旋区模型、最佳富氧率模型、能量利用模型。
The model tries to achieve minimum transfers and maximum traveler flow per unit length with line length and non-linear rate as constraints. 该模型以换乘次数最少、单位长度运送客流量最大为优化目标,线路长度、非直线系数等作为约束条件。
The model uses convolution theory and considers the bias change in the recovery period. 在整个退火恢复期,采用卷积模型并考虑了栅偏置压的效应。
The model was reliable and accurate, it can be used to forecast of diameter growth and can amplify and develop the methods of population's development and prediction. 经检验,该模型预测胸径的生长量具有较好的可靠性和精度高等优点,从而丰富和发展了种群增长模拟与预测预报的方法。
The model will be improved to predict the whole production process and evaluate its energy and material consumptions and production efficiency etc., which will provide guides for improving the operation and control of EAF. 完善后的模型可望对生产全过程作出动态的预报,并可综合评估电弧炉冶炼的能耗、物耗、生产效率等技术经济指标,从而为电弧炉工艺改进、生产操作与控制提供指导。
The model will spend the week sweeping and mopping up the garage. 这位模特将会在这周打扫仓库。

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