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Her academic achievements shamed her brothers.

Her Movie Nickname: [My friends] don't go around calling me Hermione Granger. I am me. 她的绰号:别老叫我赫敏格兰杰,我就是我!
Her abandonment of the idea upset him. 她放弃了这一意见,他很不高兴。
Her ability is not at issue; it's her character I'm worried about. 她的能力毫无争议,我担心的是她的人品。
Her ability to capture rawness in the human body and emotion bring her art to life. 她的绘画色彩生动,活力四射,热情感性,情绪活跃。
Her ability to master masculine energy remains intact. 她征服男性能量的能量仍然完整无缺。
Her academic achievements shamed her brothers. 她的学术成就使她的兄弟们相形见绌。
Her accent is dialect,not Standard English. 她说一口方言,不是标准英语.
Her accent suggested that she was American. 他的口音表明他是美国人。
Her account was a perversion of the truth. 她所讲的歪曲了事实.
Her account was in substance correct. 她的账目基本上是对的。
Her achievement had crowds flinging confetti and chanting in Iraqi streets. 她的成功使伊拉克人民在街道上洒起了糖果唱圣歌庆祝。

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