I. Address the letter to your partner. Pretend that he or she is listening to you with love and understanding.
读情书给另一半听,假设他正以爱和了解听你读信。 |
I. By posting or replying to a topic on any message board of readfree.net you accept and agree to these guidelines.
一、网上读书园地论坛的会员在本论坛所有版面发表主帖或回复帖时即被认为同意本规则的所有规定。 |
I. Cam Follower Shaft Screw.
凸轮传动轴. |
I. Category 1 and Category 2 penalties do not cross-accumulate.
第一类犯规和第二类犯规不可相互累积。 |
I. Discuss the interrelationships between physicists and politics in the United States after World War II.
讨论二战后美国的物理学家和政治之间的相互关系。 |
I. Don't disapprove of his need for withdrawing.
一、不要反对他想孤立的需求。 |
I. For the proper performance of Kata a stable smooth surface is required. Usually the matted Kumite areas will be suitable.
为了适当的表演型,一个稳固平整的场地是必须的。一般来说铺垫子的对打场地是合适的。 |
I. Let the students watch a period of video in order to arouse the topic today --- finding the way.
一开始让学生看一段录像目的是引出本课的主题---找路即学习路线的英文表达法. |
I. Practice is an activity in which people seek subsistence. Practice is man's first need, and the first source through which man obtains truth.
一、实践——人的求生活动。实践是人的第一需要、获取真知的第一源泉。 |
I. Specialist professional training in the methodological, theoretical and historical aspects of industrial heritage should be taught at technical and university levels.
应该在技术学院和综合大学开设关于工业遗产保护方法、理论和历史方面专业教育的课程。 |
I. The Climate of the World Peace and Development continues to provide the new growing space for the textile industry.
一、世界和平与发展的总趋势继续为纺织工业发展提供新的增长空间。 |